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I clap and cheer for a second but then continued to read as the slytherins continued to cheer  around me and the Ravenclaw's clapped politely. My boyfriend, Draco Malfoy, had just caught the snitch when the were ahead 70 points in front of Ravenclaw.

Malfoy suddenly speed up to where I was standing. His angelic voice broke me out of the trance watching him had put me in.
"Granger. Put the book down for a second."
I brought my eyebrows together in confusion and put my book down next to me.
"Draco we've been over this. We're on first name basis."
"I prefer granger though. However maybe something else would be more suitable"
"What do you mean Draco?" I ask. Rather annoyed that he had interrupted my reading.

He stood up on his broom and jumped onto the fence of the stand. I gasp.
"Draco malfoy get down from there right now! You could hurt yourself!!"
"Okay. He kneels down and falls onto the ground in front of me.
I laugh a little and ofer my hand to help him up. He takes my hand and pushes on leg up so he's kneeling on his knee.
"Draco. Now is not the time for theatrics. Get up"
He reaches his hand into his back pocket of his quidditch robes and pulls out a black box.

Oh Godric he's proposing

"Hermione jean granger-"
"Yes" I interrupt him.
"Let me at least get my speech done before you say no- wait did you just say yes?"
"Yes! Yes! One thousand times yes!" I cry.
"Let me finish woman. I've been practicing this for months."
I nod tears streaming down my face.
He takes a deep breathe not breaking eye contact with me.
"Hermione Jean Granger, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and I've loved for years. My heart belongs to you and only you and if you break my heart I would be honoured. You've helped me get through so much and I can't tell you how much I appreciated it. And still do. Will you do the me the favour of making me the happiest man alive and becoming Hermione Jean Malfoy?"

"YES YOU INSUFFERABLE FERRET! WILL YOU JUST KISS ME?" I yell at him as he stands up. He beams and opens the box to reveal the most gorgeous ring I've ever seen. It was a gold thin band with a beautiful pearl in the centre. I've always loved pearls and he knows it.

He slips it on my ring finger and I practically squeal with delight

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He slips it on my ring finger and I practically squeal with delight. I grab him and pull him in for a kiss.

"I love you Draco" I murmur into his mouth.
"I love you more." He breaths back.
I pull back. "You always have to make it a competition. Don't you?"
I giggle and give him a quick peck on the cheek. Suddenly people around us are cheering and clapping. At first I was confused but then I relaxed that they are cheering for us. I blush and pull Draco towards the Room of Requirement.
He turns back to face blaise
"She said yes mate."
"I know. The whole world heard"
I laugh even more and pull him along.

As were walking hand in hand i notice harry and Ron walking to the pitch.
"HARRY! COME HERE!" I yell. Ron and I are still friends but I hadn't told him about Draco. No one had. I thought it would be best to leave it since he was still not exactly over me.

Harry jogs over with Ron walking behind him eyes on his shoes to avoid looking at me. He hasn't noticed Draco yet.

"Malfoy, you did it" Harry exclaimed.
"You knew?" I asked him.
"Yeah, he asked me for permission since your parents..." he trailed of and I smiled.
I kept into his arms and hugged him
"Draco can I talk to you for a minute over here?" Harry asks motioning just a few meters away so they could still hear me if I were to yell.

"What's malfoy doing with you Hermione?" He asks. His face red.
"Ron maybe you should sit down" I say gesturing to the bench not to far away. That was a bad move because he saw a glint coming off of my left hand.
He grabs my hand rather aggressively.
"Who is it?" He sneers at me squeezing my hand.
"Ron, please stop, you're hurting me."
He grabs me by my waist and squeezes even harder.
"WHO IS IT!?" I wince
"Ronald. You're hurting me please stop" I whimper.
"It's Draco..." I reply
"Him? Of all people him?" He asks softly but aggressively
"Yes. Now let go of me." I reply firmly.
** sexual abuse coming up. If you don't want to read skip ahead to where the next asterisk marks are **

"I'll show you what I can give you that he can't" he says roughly and grabs me hard and pulls me towards him to our lips crash together. His hands roam around my back and one lands in my ass giving a squeeze his other hand moving between my legs forcing them open. My eyes widen and I try to pull away he doesn't let me, suddenly I have an idea. I moan REALLY LOUDLY hopefully loud enough to get the attention on Draco and/or Harry. It seems to work because I hear Draco walking towards us. Ron keeps kissing me and I remember something my father taught me. I have to play it right if it's going to work.

I kiss him back and wrap my hands around his neck. I hear Draco's footsteps stop and I hope that he doesn't walk away just yet. I bring my knee up to meet Ron's groin and he breaks the kiss doubling over in pain. With my hands still a round his neck I knee his stomach forcing him even more hunched. I finally get him in the nose hearing a crunch and I let go and run towards Draco. Tears running down my face.

** it's all good now**
He stares at me in shock for a second then runs forward to wrap me in his arms. I sob into his chest. Suddenly his chest is shaking and I look up to see him looking in the direction of Ron. I turn to see harry hexing him and I laugh a little.

Draco and I make our way to the R.O.R and he wipes my tears away with kisses. I couldn't be happier than in the arms of my true love.

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