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"WELL AT LEAST IM NOT A MUDBLOOD!" Draco yelled back.
Hermione froze and stared at Draco. Draco smirked.
"Push a button did I Granger?" It pained him to talk to her like this but she can't know. She can't. If she or his father or you-know-who found out about his feelings for her they would use it against him.

Hermione let out a shaky breath. She hated how he would make her feel like this. She hated how he had that power over her. The worst part was she really liked him. She wanted to be near him and if fighting was the way to make that happen then so be it.

"At least I'm not a YOU-KNOW-WHO SYMPATHISER!" Hermione roared. Draco stopped and tears formed in his eyes but he didn't let them fall. Hermione steeped back in shock.
Draco looked left and right. No one was close enough that anyone would be able to hear this.
"Granger. I'm going to tell you something. Tomorrow, if you hear anything. Anything at all run. Don't fight just run. They won't slow down just because your a kid. They have no sympathy for kids. I know that. Please just run and don't look back." He  turned on his heel leaving a very confused 6th year Gryffindor behind him.

~the next day~

Bangs coming from the room of requirement. That was all Hermione could hear and she moved out of the way to hide behind a wall to see death eaters running out of the room. Draco was crying behind them.
She didn't know what compelled her to do what she did but she grabbed Draco's arm and pulled him towards her.

"Granger! I told you to run"
"Shut it malfoy. If we get you outside no one will know you helped and you can swap sides!" Hermione hissed through her teeth pulling him towards the door.
"What makes you think I want to swap sides?" Draco asked. Trying to keep his voice from shaking even more.

"Draco, you were crying and you warned me. Come on." Hermione insisted. But Draco stopped her.
"Granger... please don't kill me after this" Hermione brought her brows together in confusion.
Draco pulled Hermione into him and kissed her hard. And long. Hermione sighed in to the kiss and kissed him back.
After a second they pulled away.
"Draco, come one we should get going."
He nodded and grabbed her hand and they ran.

"PROFESSOR!" Hermione yelled.
McGonagall turned and smiled slightly at the sight of the two together.

Minerva looked at Draco.
"Did you do this?"
"No. I didn't. We were going to the room of requirement together when they came out. Please we need to make sure no one gets hurt." Draco replied and squeezed Hermione's hand. She blushed at what the statement was insinuating. McGonagall went deathly pale and ran inside, soon most students were outside of the castle, her and Draco hadn't let go of each others hands.

Once the students were all out of the castle the Aurors were called.

"HERMIONE! ARE YOU HERE?" Draco heard someone call, he nudged Hermione.

"Potter is looking for you." he whispered into her ear. 

"HARRY! OVER HERE!" she called and Harry and Ron made their way over to the two.

"Granger... they wont like... this" Draco said to her softly.

"tough, they will have to get used to this because you aren't going anywhere anytime soon Draco" she replied curtly.

he chuckled and kissed her on the cheek.

Harry and Ron came closer and Ron looked fuming and Harry looked confused.

"what was that about Hermione?" Ron seethed

"what was what Ronald" Hermione asked innocently

"THAT! the kiss on the cheek and they hand holding!" he practically hissed.

"that, Ronald is called affection and if you don't like him kissing me on the cheek maybe you'd like to see it happen on the mouth." Hermione spat at him. Draco grinned proudly down at her and whispered sweet nothings into her ear and she smiled.

Hermione looked at Harry and gave him a massive hug.

"I'm glad you're alright harry' she breathed.

"me to 'Mione, just keep the snogging between you and the ferret to a minimum whilst your around me please" harry joked.

"Of course" she laughed back, jealousy played over Draco's face and he pulled her into a bear hug from the back.she laughed and gave him a quick peck on the nose.

"i don't like this... but whatever makes you happy 'Mione..." Ron trailed off.

"just don't hurt her Malfoy, or you'll have to deal with us."

The four laughed, Hermione sighed. the next couple of years would be very interesting.

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