I'm an Embarrassment to The Pack

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Nyla's P.O.V

Through the rest of the day at school, a couple of jocks pulled me aside and spoke to me about 'disrespecting' their leader but I just stayed quiet and waited till they stopped speaking to me. I didn't even do anything wrong, people in this pack just treat me differently because of my rank.

I finally finish my hour walk from school to home. That is so tiring and I can't even go for a nap as I have to start making dinner for the pack. I don't do anything fancy just spaghetti bolognese as I can't be bothered to spend much longer in the kitchen than I have to.

After two hours of boiling spaghetti and cooking the meatballs, I have finished dinner by 5 pm and start to dish it up. It takes me a good 30 minutes to dish up everyone's meals so I stand at the counter and start eating my dinner until everyone comes down at 6 pm for dinner.

After 30 minutes of sitting and eating by myself in the kitchen, I hear footsteps from upstairs and I quickly run to the sink and wash my dishes so they don't notice. I put my dishes away and was about to walk upstairs when I get stopped.

I turn around and see my mother looking at me and then she suddenly slapped me. I grab my cheek and look at her, she just grins at me and says 'You deserve it' I shake my head and walk away.

I start to do my homework for an hour and then decide to go downstairs and do the dishes. I see some of the jocks today from school still at the table. They notice me and the leader says 'What the fuck Nyla, heard you weren't talking to my boys, you know I hate disrespect' I shiver and nod he looks pissed

He walks over to me and kicks me in the ribs, I collapse on the ground and whimper, he keeps kicking me till I say stop. He says 'That is what you deserve when you disrespect someone of a higher rank than you' I nod and say 'Yes'

He walks off with his friends and leaves me on the ground with a bruised and battered body. I have been sitting on the ground for the past 30 minutes struggling to get up because if I don't and mother sees the dishes aren't done I will get a beating more painful than the jocks one.

After many attempts, I am finally able to reach the counter and lift myself upon it. Every move I made my body shiver in pain, this is going to be very difficult to get up and do the dishes. But motivation pulls me up as I think about the beating my mother would give me if the job wasn't done.

I am standing and if I wasn't in pain I would pat myself on the back to be able to do that. I slowly walk over to the sink and start doing the dishes, 1 hour later I am finally done and I could use a nap. It normally doesn't take me that long but I had to be careful as I took a beating before.

I walk up the stairs and put on my PJs and hop onto my blanket and start to fall asleep. Throughout the night I would toss and turn care not to hit my bruised areas which were uncomfortable to do.


I woke up in the worst pain from the bruises to say I had a bad sleep would be an understatement. I walk over to my shattered mirror and lift my shirt up and see ugly purple-blue bruises around my stomach.

They look gross and really sore. I slowly get dressed and walk downstairs into the kitchen to start making breakfast for the pack. I finish doing my morning routine and walk to the door when my mother screams my name.

I wince and look behind me and see mother looking at me with a serious look. She says 'Tomorrow the most powerful pack is coming here and you must not be attending as you are just an embarrassment to the pack and I won't allow you to attend' I try to hold my tears down by hearing my own mother call me an embarrassment

I just nod and start my journey to school thinking about why the most powerful pack would be coming to mine?

Hiiiiiii what do you think about those jocks? mean right, anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to tell your friends about this story:)

Next Chapter- TBD


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