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Kayden's P.O.V

I storm over to the mysterious girl and say, 'Who the hell did that!'. She just completely ignored me and tried to walk past. I grabbed her by the waist and looked her in the eyes. I saw fireworks, this felt right, her being in my arms. I look down at her and say 'I'm sorry darling, I was just getting angry as I feel very protective over you'.

The girl just smiled and said 'Don't worry it isn't anything to stress about'. That made my smile fade, I said, 'You're beautiful and deserve to not be treated this way and I must know who did this to you'. She looked up at me and started to cry while turning away from me. I immediately stop her and hugged her while saying 'You're mine now and no one hurts my baby'.

I then realised I didn't know her name and asked her 'What's your name darling?' She looked up at me with those big beautiful chocolate eyes and said 'Nyla'. I say, 'Nyla, such a unique and pretty name for such a beautiful girl'. She covered her eyes in embarrassment and said 'Stop it' I rolled my eyes and said 'You better get used to it darling because you are such with me forever'. She smiled at that comment and hugged me while saying 'What's your name?', I told her 'Kayden'. Nyla smirked up at me and said 'Awww such a manly name for such a weak boy'. I chocked on my spit and said 'Excuse me darling but I am anything but weak, you have not even seen me mad'.

I then suddenly realised she distracted me from my question before about who hit her. I asked her again 'Nyla darling, who hit you?'.

Nyla P.O.V

Omg, I can't tell him that my mum hits me, she would disown me and would make my life hell. I can't tell him and I won't, for both him and myself. I look up at him and say 'It is dark Kayden, I accidentally ran into a door' fuck that is a classic.

Kayden P.O.V

Does she think I am that stupid? I know she did not run into a door because how else would a bruise be on her arm if she ran in front on? I also can't rush her into telling me, I don't want to lose her trust but I also want to kill however hurt my darling Nyla. I don't care if he/she is an alpha I will fight them, anything for my baby.

I just decide to get her cleaned up and ask her if she can stay in my room tonight. My wolf and I would not be able to handle sleeping alone without her after she has been hurt. I walk into the kitchen while grabbing Nyla's hand and grab another pea bag for her face. I get her to sit down on a stool while I cater to her cuts. Every now and then she will wince and grab my hand which makes me go nuts. I just love her already.

Nyla's P.O.V

I am sitting on the stool while Kayden is helping me with my cuts and bruises on my face. He is so sweet and whenever I wince, I grab his hand and he squeezes mine back. I don't deserve him and I know that which is why after tonight I will have to ignore him. I do not want to put him in danger with my mum and pack. Even though he is the alpha king, I never want to be the reason he is hurt. It is going to hurt trying to ignore him but I am doing it for him.

I know this is a short chapter, I just wanted to give you guys something and quick. I also know I left it on a cliff hanger. SORRRYYYYYYY, not. Hahaha anyway thank you so much for 160 reads on this book, I did not expect that so thank you. My other book 'Everything' has 3.4k reads THANK YOUUU I was shocked when I saw it AHHHH. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and lookout for the next one :)

The goal of reads - 175 reads

Next Chapter - TBA

Y x

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