10 things about myself and tag 28 people right? I don't know how to tag but hey if you see your name be honest okay?
Rules of Tag
1-Put title on tag
2-Mentioned who tagged you
3-State ten facts about yourself(I'm not pretty or ugly, I'm average :3)
4-Tell a joke
5-Include these rules
6-Do it less than three days
7-Tell a spoiler for one of your stories
8-Tag 28 people (So they must Feel PAIN ):D) <-- looks like a butt chinFACTS
1) I have 7 bunnies (growing population), 4 turtles, 1 fish, and 1 snake.
2) I eat a lot of weird stuff like a pregnant lady would probably eat like eggs with peanut butter or just a Limon with honey.
3)Don't touch my Root Beer.
4) A spoiler for my story is eh might as well Chara will become evil but it's not her fault but it became her so it technically is?
5)I would guess I either Christian or Calothic but I don't really do the Church or praying.
6) I used to have a small group of friends but they moved away so now I have 3 friends.
7) In real life I'm the quite and nice type until you know the real me, I become your favorite asshole.
8) I have meme blood and my last name is Breceda.
9)I'm very proud and sort of cocky that I can draw and am very artistic.
10) I love Anime and if you tell me one I'll try to watch it, my most favorite anime is "Inuyasha". BOI 10000000/10
11)I think I'm straight? I also love horror.
Spoiler at #4
And jokes well I know a lot of dirty ones and pickup lines... gotta keep it pg for the folks who sneak in...
Who am I kidding?
Okay So a wife and a husband live together and one day the porch needed fixing she begged her husband to fix it but he said, "I don't have Carpenter spelled on my forehead." Then he left to go drinking with his friends.
On that porch the lady cried until a stranger came by he asked what's wrong? And soon the lady told her story.
The stranger said he could fix her porch if she gave him a nice time or baked him a cake she agreed.
Later the husband comes home and sees the porch fixed he asked his wife how and she told him the story.
"Oh what cake did you make him?"
She replied back."I don't have Baker spelled on my forehead."
Also bonus jokes but sorry if it hurts anyone cause I like dark jokes.
Why are orphans bad at baseball?
They couldn't find home.Why did little Sally fall on the swing?
She had no arms.Knock knock
Who is it?