Chapter Forty Three

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Dedication: Julie7123 for editing this chapter. Thank you so much for it. :)



I slapped my hand onto my chest and thumped it hard several times. My eyes were watering and my mouth burning. Luke smacked my back and I hacked up my piece of meat, which disgustingly flew out of my mouth, landing on my plate. Rachel, well I mean mum, wrinkled her nose at me.

"Lovely, Emma." she chuckled.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yep!" I choked, downing my water, trying to clear my airways. I ignored people's curious stares and just focused on recovering.

"Only you," Luke muttered, shaking his hand, amusement clear in his eyes. 

Currently, Mum, Luke, myself and even Dad were spending a lovely dinner out for my birthday eve, about three towns over. Mum had a scarf and other garments on to try and disguise herself, incase anyone recognised her from years ago. Dad wasn't completely okay with everything, you know, he had been really upset, but I think he was getting used to the idea of having her around again. I could tell he still loved her.

"It was really chewy, okay?" I frowned, attempting to defend myself.

"Sure." they all chided.

I ignored them and finished the rest of my steak off in silence. After we all had eaten, we began babbling away again. I was loving how easy and cruisy everything was. Not long after, Mum disappeared, muttering something about needing the bathroom, but coming back bearing gifts.

"Mum, you didn't need to get me anything," I scolded, a smile evident on my face though. I can't tell you how much I had wanted my mother here on my birthday and now here she was. It was literally as if one of my dreams had come true.

"Don't be silly!" she scoffed. I opened the bright, sparkly card and smiled when I saw her familiar, cursive writing. I opened the large bag and was suddenly bombarded with piles of clothes, compacted in there.

There were jeans, jewellery, shirts, a jacket, a couple of dresses and even a pair of funky boots, located at the bottom.

"Wow, mum. I don't know what to say! Thank you so much."

She beamed at me. "You're welcome, I'm just glad you liked them."

I moved around to her side of the table and wrapped her in my embrace. After a rib-breaking hug and my eyes beginning to sting with the sensation of tears, I broke contact with her and returned to my seat.

I couldn't have asked for a better night.  


"Never. Again," I cried shakily, gripping the handrails and slowly maneuvering myself down them. I had just experienced the ride called the 'Giant Drop'. 

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