Chapter Seven

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We all piled into class restlessly. I managed to grab my spot in the corner right back. I opened my book and pulled out my pen. No one sat next to me. Like anyone ever did anyway. I guess that was okay with me. The teacher, Ms. Wilson began her lecture, striding around the room. She was explaining about an in-class task we had to do with partners. 

Wait, partners? 

Oh. Crap. 

She finished explaining what we had to do and that there would be great consequences if anyone didn't do any work and left it all to one person, blah blah.  

"So..." She said, as she finishing up. "If you don't find partners I'll put you into pairs. No going with your best pals or people you know well. This task is about broadening your knowledge and team work. Team work with someone you don't know much about or want to. Make it quick before I start choosing." 

I just sat there awkwardly. May as well just wait for her to pick some other loner. I doodled in my book, waiting, so it surprised me when someone slid into the seat beside me. 

"Hey Em." The lovely voice said. 

I glanced up. His blond hair was extra floppy today and his eyes piercing blue. His tanned skin matched his hair and eyes so perfectly. I felt plain and ugly beside him. I was tanned I guess, but it was more just my skin type. His was more a surfy tan. 

"Hi." I couldn't help a grin stretch across my face. "Are we going to be partners?" 

"If you will have me." he smiled. 

Would I ever... I thought. 

"Of course." 

We got to it straight away. I was pretty pleased he actually did some research and wrote stuff down. I gazed at him as he summarised some notes. His writing was slightly slanted and was like neat scribble. If that makes sense? His arm muscles flexed deliciously as he wrote. He typed on his laptop a few times before resuming writing again. 

"See something you like?" he joked, winking at me.

My stomach did a back flip and I averted my eyes. I felt my cheeks grow warm and I just knew there would be blotchy, red marks covering them. Very attractive.

"Er, just seeing what you were up to." I lied lamely.

I quickly continued with my own work, refusing to let myself look at him. I knew if I did, I would get absorbed into him and start gawking like a goof. I couldn't help it, he was so attractive that it was almost unfair. 

"You type awfully fast," he noted after numerous minutes of silence. 

"Yeah, well, I write a lot of writing stories." I replied.

"Oh really? What about?" 

"All different stuff, really." I shrugged, still not looking at him. I kept my eyes trained upon my laptop. "Kind of hard to explain." 

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