Part 6: Whats up with Ray?

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****The Girls are at home,MB gets to their hotel. Everyone is texting eachother****

*Roc & Morgan textin convo*

Roc: Wassup?

Morgz: Heyy

Roc: How you doing Sexy?

Morgz: lol im good just chillin with the girls wbu?

Roc: About to tear this pizza up!

Morgz: I want some!! lmaoo

Roc: You can't have the pizza but you can have me ;)

Morgz: I'll take that too ;)

Roc: So you're my girl now ??

Morgz: Yeah , I guess :)

*Prod &Salmat textin convo*

Prod: Wassup?

Salmat: Heyy :) Wyd?

Prod: thinkin bout u

Salmat: awww :) wat about me u thinkin bout

Prod: ur amazin smile & ur great body

Salmat: u r so sweet

Prod: ;) So do u wanna chill wit me 2morrow

Salmat: of course! :D

(Princeton calls Keosha)

*Prince& Keosha convo

Prince: Heyy Beautiful! How are you?

Keosha: Heyy Prince! Im great now that you called

Prince: I had to hear voice so I called

Keosha: awww :) wyd?

Prince: talkin to an amazinv person

Keosha: who?

Prince: You of course :)

Keosha: <3 awww you make me feel so loved :)

Prince: you deserve it, So 2morrow I wanna take you out to dinner

Keosha: I would love to ttyl Bye Prince

Prince: Good Night Keosha

(Everyone off the phone & done texting but wondering why Ray didnt call/text Stephy)

Stephy: how come Ray didnt call or text

Morgz: maybe hes waiting

Keosha: maybe hes scared

Salmat: he will eventually just wait

Stephy: I hope so :/

*stephy phone rings*

Ray: Heyy Stephanie

Stephy: Heyy Ray whats wrong?

Ray: I just have this problem

Stephy: what is it?

Ray: well its this girl I like but I dont think she likes me back

Stephy: oh :( well you wont ever know

(Everyone looking at her like she slow)

Ray: your right! Stephanie....

Stephy: yes??

Ray: will you go out with me??

Stephy: [thoughts] omg omg he just asked me out! Finally I thought he didnt like me

Stephy: YESSSS! I will Ray

Ray: Yes! You just made me so happy I didnt think you liked me

Stephy: of course I do! Your fine af! You keep me laughing & mite I add you have an amazing tongue

Ray: thanks! You have a nice tongue yourself with an amazing smile to match it :)

Stephy: [blushes] awww thanks! :)

****So Ray was just worried that Stephy didnt like him...In The Next Chapter what will happen on Prod &Salmat date & what will happen on Prince & Keosha date????****

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