Sucking Internship! >_<

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"Tania are you done with the glasses? I need to take them out now!!!' There went Andy the kitchen Nazi's insistent bellowing again. Ugh! I knew i was a tiny bit behind the schedule, but did he have to keep reminding me about it? Elbow deep in suds, i quickly picked up a glass and--

       Ack no! I spun around to see it fall, bounce, and finally shatter on the floor.


i jumped, dropped another glass, and cringed. That was it i was going to be fired for sure."what on earth is the matter with you?!" All of a sudden, Iwas yanked away from the sink, My rubber gloves dripping all over the once-sparkling kitchen floor. I squeezed my eyes shut and steeled my self for worst.

   The deafening sounds of the kitchensuddenly went mute. On top of all my problems, was i going deaf too? This job really was hazardous. I allowed myself a tiny peek through one eye and came face to face with Andy's red, angry one. A vein in his forehead seems to be twitching. I started to wonder how long it will takes before it exploded.As i started it in fascination, a hiss that came from his gritted teeth jolted me back to my current, embarrasing situation. "I gave you a chance because you we're Mrs. Ong's niece, but this is the last straw. I can't have someone like you messing up my kitchen."

And there it was. the end of my career as a future top chef.

Before i could free myself from his grasp, he unceremoniously shoved me in the direction of the trashbags and spat out,"Dishwashing is too good for you. I'm reassigning you to the trash.i was going to make you clean the floors,but i don't trust you with a mop."

       I stumbled afraid to look around,and peeled off my rubber gloves,I meekly handed them over to him, and dared one quick look around at the kitchen staff. Thay we're no longer staring at me--or never was since they we're used to Andys Nazi behavior.Maybe it was just myslf absorption that made me think that i am always the center of attention. Atleast that's what my mom tell me whenever she said she felt "a bout of drama coming on." Yeah, whatever. I knew something like this happened every day. i was'nt the only one who felt the Andy's wrath. But when this happened to you, you know for the rest of the day your'e toast....your goose was coocked...and you'd and you'd defenitly jump off the frying pan into the fire.

      I'd been interning for a couples ofweeks at Happy Belly my Tita Bobbie Ong's restau that prided itself from serving home cooked meals with a vengeance. everytime I stepped into i's welcoming,country-inspired interiors, the mouthwaterng smells of rosemary baked hicken and bread fresh out of oven never failed to send my tummy gumbling and my hands itching to cook something.



sorry for late ud busy sa school eh


andy on right side

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