The fight

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Chapter 1
I heard a sound coming from my STUPID ALARM!! Anyways I got up, grabbed a towel and headed straight to the bathroom. When I was done showering, I got changed. After, I went on my phone for a little and texted ruby.
Hey kenz wanna walk to school 🤞??
Sure I will love to well see u later bye
*Conversation is over*
When I went downstairs I realized that my mom and Maddie are at the LA studios doing whatever they do, so I guess I just have to grab a snack bar and head to school. When I got outside I see Ruby waiting for me
Ruby:Hey kenz
Kenz:Hey ruby
Ruby: Are u excited for school today?
Kenz: Let me guess Hayden is there🙄🙄
Hayden is my boyfriend and he is kinda mean. He NEVER treats me nicely.
Ruby:Yeah😔😔Sorry kenz*Hugs kenz*
When we got to school I saw  Hayden and gave him a hug
Hayden:Get off me!!
Kenz:K sorry
Hayden:Anyways guys where do u wanna go after school??
Kenz:Maybe ma-
Hayden:I wasn't asking u🙄🙄
Ruby and Nadia then hugged me😊😊 I am glad I have best friends here for me.
Ruby:Mall Hayden... we are going to the mall😠
Hayden:Why are u mad??
Nadia:Because you are being rude to kenz.YOUR OWN GIRLFRIEND!!
Hayden:Who cares
When we got to our first class I spotted a girl in a corner, so I went up to the girl and said hi before the bell rang for the class to start.
Kenz:Hi I'm Mackenzie
??????:Hi I am Lauren
Kenz:Oh hi Lauren😊😊I can tell we will be good friends
Lauren:Yeah well bye
After school the gang went to the mall.
Nadia:Let's go to H&M
When we got to H&M Hayden was just sitting there waiting for us. When I came out of the dressing room I asked Hayden how this looked.
Hayden:Horrible🤢🤢Well not the dress but u
Obviously I had a tear come down my eye😢. When I came out again I saw that Hayden was kissing another girl. Now I had a lot of tears coming down. Then Nadia and ruby came out and saw Hayden and the girl, I didn't know her name exactly but I have seen her before.
I then gave up and ran out of the store.
Hayden:Kenz It was nothing, come on go back inside and get your clothes
He didn't say any of that nicely☹️☹️
Kenz:No I don't want to. Look Hayden I love u I really do... but, you treat me like I am nobody like I was your ex. You never care about me, you never include me in stuff that u guys play.You don't love me but I love u. We are better off not together, have fun with your girl.
I then went back inside crying my tears out. Then my lovely best friends came and gave me a big hug. When we got home, I immediately ripped all of my pictures of me and Hayden and threw it in the trash. I am done with him FOR GOOD!!
Nadia, ruby and I took bike rides, went to Starbucks every once in awhile and even had sleepovers. I love having best friend like these. When it was time to sleep I got in the shower and jumped straight on my bed to sleep.

Sorry if this was a short chapter I didn't have any other plans for this chapter but don't forget to vote and comment what other plans I should do cuz I have no clue for the next chapter.

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