104 12 38

Fight for the things you love.


Ria's pov:-


Zeeve's statement has created a havoc. The cameras continued snapping  pictures and the reporters kept throwing question after question at me.

"Is it true, Miss Khanna?!"

I narrow my eyes as discreetly as possible at the bitch in the yellow dress. Do we even look like a bloody couple?!

Imagining her slumped form alongside Zeeve's deadbody brought a beautiful smile on my face.

"Does that smile mean yes?!" the idiota yelled again.

No bitch! I want to yell, but after wisely weighing the pros and cons of my action, I continue smiling.

"Well, the men love assuming that things will always run in their favour, pretty pitiful if you ask me." Shaking my head in negative to support my sentence, I continued, "So, I wouldn't believe his word on that one."

Adding a wink to spice up the gossip, I walk through the stunned crowd with my head held high.

That's how you solve it like a woman.

Hopping on the black beauty, I waited for Zeeve to ruin the mood with his gloomy, angry attitude.

"What the hell did you do back there?!" he yelled. Jaw clenched, fingers fisted he looked at me with a nasty glare.

"You gave them news, I gave them the headlines."

"You'll pay for that one Ria."

"We'll see. Give me the keys." I put my palm forward, waiting for him to hand over the keys.

"No. I'll drive, scoot over."



"No. I won't move. I want to drive and I will. Give me the keys."

"Don't fucking disobey me!" he pulled my outstretched hand roughly. Though I managed to balance myself, my foot twisted at an awkward angle.

"Aahh!" my eyes widened from the sudden intensity of the pain and my balance deteriorated.

Closing my eyes, I braced myself for the harsh impact, but my body never met with one. Warm arms enveloped me, preventing the harsh fall.

Opening my eyes slowly I looked into the eyes of my saviour. The blue eyes which are usually burning with anger around me, seemed to be gleaming with a different emotion today.

A loud honk from the background snapped me out of the trance his eyes often engulfed me in.

"You can't you do anything properly?!"

His tone was harsh, words harsher. They pierced my skin, cut through my heart and left behind an angry path of pain. They reminded me of the time I was bullied in school.

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