Part II

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After a few minutes you wake up again. Someone's Knocking. Apparently that has awakened you. Drowsy, you go to the door and press the opener. It is General Hux who is holding out a bundle of black things. "Your stuff," he says and puts the package in your hand. You nod and look at him. "Can I do something for you, sir?" Hux shakes his head and then goes down the hall without another word. You shake your head, close the door and go back to the bed. You unpack the bundle of clothes and sort it. It's a pair of pants and a shirt. Underwear is not included. You put on the shirt and then lie back down in bed.

The next morning, knock vigorously. You jump out of bed in panic and sprint to the door. Before that stands Kylo Ren. "Good morning, sir," you say, looking at the floor. He puts his finger under your chin and forces you to look at him. "Are you hungry?", He asks and looks you in the eyes. You nod and stare back into his eyes. "Then put something on and join me," he says, stepping back so you can close the door. After a few minutes, you come out dressed and go silently next to him to the canteen.

"What did you eat on your planet?" Kylo asks you unexpectedly and you think for a moment. "Mostly a soup," you answer and Kylo nods. "You have never eaten meat?" He asks in disbelief and you nod. "Then it's time to try it," says Kylo and pushes you in front of him to a door. You stand a moment tense and all eyes turn to you. You turn red and turn to Kylo for help. He looks back and then points to the counter, behind which stands a droid and apparently waiting. "Take what you want," says Kylo, grabbing a tray. You also take a tray and look what Kylo takes. You try not to look hungry and just take a bit of everything. Kylo grins when he sees how little you have taken. "Take yourself more. I can tell you are hungry. "You smile timidly and take a little more.

Then you follow Kylo in his place and sit down opposite him. Kylo begins to eat and points to your plate with a challenging look. You nod and start eating now. A few minutes later, the chair is pulled back next to yours. You turn your head and look General Hux straight in the eye. "Good morning," he says and smiles. Wait a minute - does he actually smile? You have to look twice, because so far he has never smiled. Well, you only know him one day, but still. He just does not look like a person who likes to smile a lot. You quickly swallow your food and return your greeting. "Good morning, sir." "It's really unbelievable how untalented some people are here," says Hux, looking at Kylo. He only nods and continues to devote himself to his food.

The general looks at you. "How did you sleep?", He asks and takes a sip of water. You think, when suddenly a strange feeling flows through you. Not weird in the sense of bad, but rather unexpected. You had that feeling before, when Hux got you out of your cell. You shake your head and turn back to Hux. "Good. The bed was more comfortable than I used to. ", You say and smile. You suddenly feel well for a strange reason. Suddenly, Kylo gets up, takes his tray and leaves without a word of farewell. Surprised you look after him, but he is already gone from your field of vision.

You stretch your legs and take a sip of coffee. Promptly you swallow yourself and Hux gently pats you on the back. "Everything okay?" You nod with a red face. "Yes, just swallowed." You're coughing a few more times and then want to continue eating. But you have nothing left. "Do you want something else?", Asks Hux and pushes his tray to you. "Try this." You nod and push your own tray aside. With a spoon you try a bit of the viscous mass and tear your eyes open in surprise. "That's delicious!", You say and shove a big spoon into your mouth. Hux grins and nods. "This is a puree with fish and algae." Within minutes you have eaten the bowl and lean back in your chair. Hux smiles at you.

"Would you like to accompany me to my premises?" He asks. Surprised, you nod and get up. You take your tray and then follow Hux out of the room. "Am I still on a Star Destroyer?" You ask, trying to keep up with Hux. Not so easy, he was a few inches taller than you and so his legs were longer. Suddenly Hux stops and you run into the middle of him. "Sorry, sir!" You say loud and take a step back. But Hux comes closer to you. "Everything's okay, you do not have to apologize." You nod and look down. "To answer your question: Yes, you're on a star destroyer. Specifically, on the finalizer. My Star Destroyer. "" I've never been on a Star Destroyer. Excuse my question. "Hux waves and then goes on, this time a bit slower. After a few minutes, you are standing in front of a door. Hux enters a code and you enter his room behind him. Of course, they are much bigger than your own, but otherwise they are not different. You look around you and see ... nothing. No personal things, no pictures, nothing. Hux points to a sofa. "Sit down." For a brief moment, you are perplexed, but then you actually sit down. Hux pours a brown liquid into a glass and then sits next to you. "What's your name?" You look at him questioningly. "I already told Kylo my name, I thought he would have told you as well." Hux shakes his head. "He kept it to himself." You sigh and say your name. Hux repeats him and then smiles. "My name is Armitage Hux." You smile and shake his hand. When touching his skin, you have the beautiful feeling again and hold his hand longer than necessary.

Non-Binary! Reader x General Hux (Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now