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Five years ago...

"You would not believe what I came across this time, Evie!" Jacob swung down from the roof of the train, entering the caboose with enthusiasm, "Evie...?"

The adolescent questioned, trying to get his sisters attention. Jacob was bewildered by his sisters look of daze. It appeared as though something struck her to where everything around her was inconspicuous to her. He waved his hand in front of her face. He called out her name. He even pushed her. Nothing. It made him think she was in somewhat of a trance that he tried to think of ways to try and get her out of it. Within a matter of minutes he ended up going to the last resort.

"Sorry, sister dearest." He chuckled lightly, an evil grin gliding across his face as he ended up grabbing an ice cube from his water glass and slid it down the back of her shirt.

"Ah! C-Cold! Cold! What the bloody hell did you do that for, Jacob?!" Evie screeched, jittering around, trying to shake the ice cube down, "Really? Did you really have to go to such low lengths to grab my attention like this?" The young woman glared, picking up the ice cube and throwing it at him.

"You weren't responding to me when I was calling your name." Jacob chuckled as he dodged, "You were just ogling, who I assume was Henry?" A smirk came across his face.

Evie didn't confirm nor deny on Jacob's observation, she just simply stood there, trying to stay calm and collected after hearing that man's name. She failed at trying. Her pale freckled cheeks became as red as a rose. Her heart began to pound out of her chest. Her whole body became hot from her feet, rising its way to the very top of her head. The adolescent felt embarrassment take full control of her.

"I presume my assumption is correct?" His smirk never left his face, "I will admit, it's quite odd of you to be daydreaming of a man when you usually stay so focused on your-- what is that...?"

As Jacob was beginning to tease her, he looked down at her hand, noticing something shimmering on her finger. Her ring finger to be exact. He was in disbelief of what he saw that his mind drew a complete blank. Jacob would normally mock her, but he stood there as silent as a lamb. Evie looked up at him, bewildered by his silence. Slight concerns came across her to where it ended up being her turn to wake him up, but he spoke before she called out his name or nudged him.

"When...?" Jacob muttered, barely able to think of anything to say as his eyes stayed glued to the diamond ring.

"Hm?" She finally noticed on what he was staring at and she quickly shielded the ring that was glimmering, "It's... it's not..." The young woman had the slightest clue on what to say, "It's... well..."

"Please tell me that's not an engagement ring, dear sister of mine." His look of amusement fell to a look of seriousness as his eyes soon looked at hers with knitted brows.

Evie looked down, hiding her flushed face, "And if it was, would it really matter?" She muttered, fumbling with the ring nervously.

"As a matter of fact, yes! It would!" His voice began to rise as though a sign of bothersome, "When did this occur?"

Evie was speechless. She's never seen her brother be so bothered about well, anything at all when it involved relationships with others throughout their entire life. All Jacob ever did was tease her to his hearts content whenever he saw her with another boy to where she always got infuriated by his childishness. Though this was a complete shift change to her which ended up throwing her off guard.

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