Chapter 2

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"Tony, can you please watch the surveillance of the safe house while I run out and get supplies?" Nat threw on the backpack with extra clothes for you and grabbed her keys as she headed to the door.

"Yeah sure, I'll get right on it." Tony replied nonchalantly.

She ran to the grocery store and grabbed anything she thought you might like or need in the next few weeks before finally going back to the house to drop things off and check on you.

"Y/N, where are you?" Nat called out as she entered the house.

"Right here Nat." You partially slurred.

She narrowed her eyes at you.

"Are you drunk?" She asked accusingly.

"Yep. You should really have a talking to with who ever you left in charge of watching me because they are doing a shit job. It took me over an hour to walk into town and back." You leaned back on the barstool and laughed.

"I'm gonna kill Tony." She muttered. "Jesus Christ, Y/N, I thought I told you to stay on the property. You could have gotten hurt. And I can't believe the one chance you got to leave the house you wasted by going to the liquor store."

"In my defense I also went to the video store. I couldn't believe they still had one but I guess when since there's no cell phone reception in this god damn area you gotta do something for entertainment." You shrugged despondently.

"Where did you even get money for booze?" She shook her head as she stood in front of you with her hands on her hips.

"Oh yeah like I don't have money stashed in my go-bags." You rolled your eyes at her.

"Whatever, you know I have to tighten security around here now right?" Natasha walked away from you to get the groceries and start putting them away.

"Yeah, yeah." You groaned walking over to the couch and flopping down on it. "Why are you even here Nat? You know I don't want to see you right now."

"I brought you supplies." She replied quietly.

"You should be out looking for Clint." You crossed your arms over your chest as you curled up on the couch and stared out the window.

"I am looking for him Y/N, we are looking very hard for him." She turned back around to look at you.

"Really because it looks like you're standing in my kitchen." You snapped.

Nat took a deep breath as she tried not to snap back at you.

"Look Y/N, I get it, you're upset but you can't keep talking to me like that. I'm worried about him too. I miss him too but I am doing everything I can to find him. We are doing everything we can. All I'm trying to do is make sure you don't get hurt in the process." She stood at the counter gripping the edge of it as she bowed her head in both despair and frustration.

You choked back your tears.

"I'm sorry Nat. I know you're trying. I didn't mean to- I just-" You began to stutter.

"I know, I know. It's okay, I know you didn't mean it. Look Y/N, we're in this together and I need you to trust that I'm doing everything I can. Can you do that?" Nat walked over to you, placing her hand reassuringly on your knee.

"Yeah, I can do that. I'm sorry Nat." A tear rolled down your cheek as you both pulled each other in for a hug.

"Thank you, and please don't leave the property again." Nat gave you a pleading look as she stood up.

"I promise, besides it's just as boring there as it is here so I might as well save myself the walk." You joked leaning back into the couch.

Nat actually gave you a soft laugh in return.

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