6 - X

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✧Previously on Chapter Five✧

PSA: When it came to all this witch stuff, I really had to dig deep inside my brain. I gathered stuff from some supernatural shows I watched and did a lot of research, but the forefront of everything I had to think of. So i really hope you enjoy this new aspect to the series. I really liked coming up with it, and I really enjoyed making the storyline.

Harry's eyes instantly flashed yellow when he focused in on the woman floating in the air. Her skin was icy pale and covered in an all black, head to toe, dress. Her brown hair was flowing in the wind she was creating with her magic, and her dark, black lips curved into a smirk when Harry bared his claws, not even bothered that a werewolf was preparing to attack. With a low growl coming out, Harry snarled at the woman and made a move like he was about to charge her, but before he could even get a couple of steps in, Louis wrapped an arm around his bicep to prevent him from doing so. Malum's red eyes flicked over to where Louis' fingers were curled around Harry, and her smirk continued to grow. She looked amused at the way Harry's anger was washing over his body and not the least bit concerned that a wolf was targeting her. She lowered her arms from where they were raised in the air and slowly let her body float back to the ground. When her boots landed on the grass, she took a step off the median and walked closer to the two boys, watching as Harry ripped his arm free from Louis' hold angrily.

"He seems moody," she grumbled, a twinkle to her evil eyes as she looked between the two boys.

"You killed our baby. I think it's excused," Louis had offered, blindly reaching for Harry again to keep him from doing something stupid, like letting his inner wolf take over his self control, but well at this point, Louis wasn't even sure if he could hold Harry back anymore.

The woman sighed, slowly getting closer to them. "It was just collateral damage. Can't have you continuing your bloodline. You know how it goes."

Malum was now standing right in front of the both of them. She ignored Louis in favor of Harry and made sure she got as close to him as possible. Their noses were mere inches apart from where her red eyes were looking into his yellow ones, and Louis had to make sure his hold on Harry got tighter so he wouldn't break free and try to attack the witch. Harry still fidgeted, snarling to show off his sharp canines that had grown out his gums. The witch started laughing under her breath and finally took a step back, seemingly unaffected by everything.

"Why are you here?" Louis asked with a growl.

Malum then jolted her head in Louis' direction, eyes hardening and features darkening. "The real question is why are you here?" she shot back, a flash of black passing her eyes and suddenly dark clouds appearing in the sky. There was a loud clap of thunder before a lightening bolt struck the nearest light pole. "This is my town. I was here first."

Louis didn't have a chance to respond because his words were suddenly dying in his throat when teeth were sinking in his arm and a loud scream was belting out of him. He ripped his arm away from the source of pain and stepped back to look at Harry like he was crazy, he couldn't believe his mate had just bit him like that. Harry didn't even bother to check on Louis to see if he was okay or bother to give him any sort of explanation for biting his arm. He was so focused on the witch that was standing in front of him that nothing else seemed to matter unless it was him attacking her. It was a new profound emotion that not even Louis had ever seen on Harry - not even when Harry had first turned and was drowning in his emotions from everything. This anger was different.

Harry's yellow eyes got darker from where they were glowering at Malum. She seemed unfazed, even when there was a flash of black springing across Harry's own eyes that showed this new side of darkness within him, probably from the magic that was once inhabiting his body. Louis flinched at the sight, but none of that seemed to matter because within seconds of Harry finally being free from Louis' hold, he bolted straight towards Malum. Anger was consuming every part of Harry, and with a loud growl grumbling deep from his throat, he bared his teeth out and made a move to bite into her flesh. However, he only got a few steps in before Malum was raising her hand up like she was signaling for something. With a gush of wind passing by, Harry was suddenly stopping in his spot and letting out a loud, horrific whine. His hands went straight to his temples and began rubbing whatever it was that was causing him this sudden pain. His skin was flushing a beet red, and the veins in his neck and forehead were popping out. Harry let out another cry and ended up falling down to his knees, caving in on his body and doing whatever he could to make the pain stop.

Book 2: Dark Side of the Moon | Larry Stylinson ❀ [Werewolf AU]Where stories live. Discover now