10 - Rise of the Dead

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✧Previously on Chapter Nine✧

More new characters
Woohooo, we love meeting new people. (Peep the above pictures for what they look like). Especially the ones we learn in this chapter. They are important !!!

Harry felt breathless the longer he stared at the person in front of him. It had been a long four years since he last saw this man, and now after spending years thinking he was dead, he was now standing right there in front of him. Harry's head spun with all the possibilities to how Ed could be alive right now, and he was too shocked to actually ask any questions about it. Ed was right there, standing right in front of Harry, looking lively and real. Harry remembered seeing Ed's body, he was there when Louis uncovered the blanket to reveal him laying limp on the cabin porch with a spear through his heart. Harry remembered his memorial - Harry remembered mourning for the lost of his friend and well, now here he was.

Harry let out another shaky breath and finally found the words to speak. He ran his fingers through his hair and felt his eyes instantly filling with tears. "Ed?" he repeated again, just to make sure that he really wasn't seeing things.

Harry wanted to smile, every ounce inside of his body wanted to jump for joy knowing that his best friend was actually alive, but at the same time, something felt off. Harry took a slow step forward so he could reach out and touch the boy, just wanting to make sure he wasn't just a figment of his imagination, but when Harry took that first step, Ed took one back. Harry frowned and finally looked into Ed's eyes, realizing that there was something there that was different, that didn't seem like Ed.

Harry tilted his head to the side and tried to observe him some more. He noticed Ed's skin was paler than usual. His face was clouded with no emotions, and if it wasn't for the fact that he was breathing and actually standing on his feet, Harry would've thought Ed was still dead by the way his expression looked. His eyes were hazed over, not the typical blue he was used to. Instead, they were darker, almost looking gray in a way that made a cold shiver run down Harry's spine. Harry knew the Ed that was standing in front of him was not the same Ed he had been best friends with. The Ed right now seemed to be lost in some sort trance, and every fiber in Harry's body was telling him to immediately flee, but Harry couldn't. Harry simply couldn't move at all.

Harry's dead best friend was just standing there, right in front of him, and he seemed lost. It seemed like there was no trace of Ed inside this man, and Harry wanted nothing more than to bring him back.

"Ed, it's me," Harry said slowly, taking another step forward. "It's Harry, your best friend."

Harry could see the small flash of something cross Ed's eyes like he had realized it for a moment, but then it was gone, and Ed was immediately closing his eyes instead. Harry watched carefully with the way Ed took in a slow, deep breath, one that made it seem like he was about to do something. Harry's heart started beating faster, and he felt himself slowly taking an unconscious step backwards because he wasn't sure what Ed's next move was.

When Ed opened his eyes a few second later, they were now black.

Harry's eyes widen in fear, and a loud gasp escaped his mouth. He was about ready to turn and run the other way from this demon that was possessing Ed, but Ed was faster and quickly reached out to grab Harry's arm. Harry yelped when he felt the bruising imprints of Ed's fingers digging their way into his bicep. He tried every way possible to free himself from Ed's hold, but it seemed like Ed was simply stronger.

Harry cried out one last time and quickly glanced up at Ed to see what was going to happen next, but the minute Harry's green eyes made direct connect with Ed's black ones, he immediately went unconscious.

Book 2: Dark Side of the Moon | Larry Stylinson ❀ [Werewolf AU]Where stories live. Discover now