a/n, okay so this is a short chapter that introduces some of the main characters. The word length will increase as we post more chapters. enjoy!!
Myra pushes the entrance door of the school in a hurry to get to her orientation. It had already started 10 minutes ago. Generally she wouldn't find such process necessary to go through, but she wanted to familiarise herself with her new educational system before she starts her school year in a different environment. It is a start to a new life for Myra since she left her old life behind when she changed her high school. You see, that school was the height to toxicity, filled with needless drama and a stressful ambiance. She deserved a change, thus making an impulsive decision to remove the toxic people from her life and pursue a better future.
"Where does year 11 orientation take place?" she asks the receptionist out of breath.
"You're late miss" she replies with a sour expression.
"Yeah sorry, I forgot today was orientation day" Myra replies sheepishly.
"Its down the hall" she says dismissively as she turn back to her computer resuming her work.
Myra rushes towards the direction the receptionist pointed to, and takes a seat next to a girl with blinding blonde hair, carefully styled into a bob and piercing blue eyes with a hint of green.
"Hi, I'm Sasha" she says with a subtle smile, extending her hand towards Myra.
"I'm Myra, nice to meet you" she whispers back taking her hand and shaking it, as the head of year explains about the procedures of their new school in front of the room.
A few minutes pass and a girl hurriedly walks into the room and takes a seat next to Myra. Her curls up in a bun and black prescription glasses framing her face. "Hey did I miss much?" The girl looks at Myra and asks her in a tizzy. Myra laughs and replies with a relaxed expression on her face, "Don't worry, you didn't miss anything important, I think it was pointless to attend this anyway."
"I was stuck in traffic the whole way here and the receptionist was exceptionally rude" she replies clearly annoyed by the situation.
"Oh sorry, I'm Yasmin" she says to Myra as she replies with a smile "I'm Myra"
"And I'm Sasha." the blonde says with an exaggerated smile.
"Hey Sasha, it's nice to meet you." replies Yasmin.
"So why did you guys change schools? which i'm guessing you did cause i'm sure you wouldn't be here if you didn't"
"I'm actually from the US, my dad got a job offer here so we decided to shift. So far, I'm kinda liking it here; it's a beautiful country and it suits my exotic taste." says Sasha while admiring her perfectly filed painted nails.
"I-I just felt like it." replies Myra shrugging. She'd rather not share the story of her life with people she just met.
"Honestly, same. It gets boring being surrounded by the same people all your life. You need a change once in a while." replies Yasmin knowingly. Myra nods understandingly.
Once the orientation had come to an end, Sasha, Yasmin and Myra decide to get lunch together hoping to get to know eachother better. The McDonalds conveniently placed right opposite their new school, was where they first got lunch together. Yasmin and Myra discovered their shared mutual love for Bazzi and his meaningful songs. They agreed to the fact that he was probably the only hip-hop/pop artist that had soulful songs that did not degrade women, but rather; he treated them like treasures. They also discovered that Yasmin and Myra lived just 10-15 minutes away from each other, along with that they learned the passion Sasha had for her work and how she was willing to work hard towards her high ambitions.
Versace On The Floor
RomanceIt seems as if wherever she goes, he follows. He's always on her mind, always in her heart. She tried to run away from these feelings but they always catch up, there is no retreat. Sebastian and Myra have been distant friends since a chance meeting...