Tom's pov:

I woke up around 9:00 o'clock and looked through my social media, I followed Eloise on Instagram late last night and I noticed that she had posted a picture this morning. She was wearing some blue skinny ripped jeans and a white top tucked in, her hair was straight and a black cap was on her head and she was holding Lily's lead in one hand and her phone in the other. Lily was sat on the floor looking up at Eloise as she took the picture. She wrote;

Headed to London to meet my best friend Joe, then get a train together to Brighton to stay with my other best friends Zoe and Alfie. This weekend will be so much fun! See you all soon xx

I decided to comment;

'Wow. Gorgeous as always! Have fun and I'll see you when you get home! Oh and you look beautiful as well El ;) xx'

I smiled to myself then got up out of bed to have some breakfast. As I was about to get changed I saw that Eloise had commented back;

'Haha very funny Tom! See you when I'm back! xx'

I also noticed that I had a DM from Zoe Sugg, El's best friend. She said;

Hey Tom! I'm sure you have heard that Eloise has got herself on Sally Robin's MUA team and I have also noticed that yourself and El are friends so myself and my boyfriend Alfie have decided to throw her a surprise party to celebrate. I would like to ask if you wanted to join us? It is at the 'Ohso Social Bar & Restaurant' in Brighton on Saturday at 4:00 pm. Hope you can make it! x

I typed up a reply;

Hi, yes I would love to come! I'll come down tonight and stay in a hotel until Sunday, Thank you for inviting me! Let me know if anything changes, See you soon! X

I packed my bag for the weekend and said goodbye to my family and my mum dropped me off at the train station to go to Brighton.

Eloise's pov:

I had just arrived at London and I instantly saw Joe with his vlog camera out, when he saw me he smiled at me and I quickly walked up to him and threw my arms around him.

"Hey! How are you?" He asked as we pulled away, he put his camera away and we began walking to get on the train. He had already bought my ticket to save wasting time.

"I'm good thanks how are you?" I asked pulling my suitcase and holding Lily in my arms, I didn't want her to walk because of the amount of people around that could accidentally step on her.

"I'm great thanks!" Joe said whilst throwing his arm around my shoulder as we continued to walk to the train.

It was about 2:00 pm when we arrived at Zoe and Alfie's house, I knocked on the door and just a few seconds later Zoe answered the door with a huge smile on her face and pulled us both into a hug. She showed Joe his room and then took me to my room. We all went downstairs and hugged Alfie who was playing with Nala and Lily, they seemed to get along really well. Alfie and Joe set up the camera and lights while Zoe and I sang along to the song 'I wanna dance with somebody' laughing as we both did crazy dance moves. When the boys finished setting up we decided that we were going to film Joe's video first, it was the whisper challenge. Joe was first to say something to Alfie, then it was Zoe. And then finally me. I focused on her lips trying to read them. We have to try and guess within 3 attempts. I took my headphones off and looked at them.

"I have no idea what you just said! I can't lip read at all!" I said laughing.

"What do you thing she said?" Joe asked.

"Hippos are great until they are in Spain." I said and then we all burst out laughing.

"Where did that come from?" Alfie cackled loud. "Joe what did you actually say?" He asked.

"Hippos are great animals, but they can be dangerous." Joe said while wiping the tears in his eyes still laughing at what I said. We continued playing the whisper challenge until it was time for Zoe's video. I wasn't in this video but I still watched laughing along and keeping score.

"Hey guys today I am joined with my boyfriend Alfie and my brother Joe, and we will be doing boyfriend vs brother tag or whatever you want to call it." We laughed a little. "Okay then let's get started we have the lovely Eloise behind the camera to keep score, El say hey!" Zoe said.

"Hi guys!" I said from behind the camera and giggled. They started the video, I watched and kept score. It was time to film my video and I couldn't wait.

"Hey guys so today as you can see I am in a different setting and I have my three best friends to join me. Zoe, Alfie and Joe don't have a clue as to what we are doing today." I said and they all agreed laughing a bit. "Okay so we are going to split off into teams, so Zo and Alf you two will team up and Joe and I will team up. Boys you will be doing our make up to see what boy is better at make up. Alf you will do Zoe's and Joe will do mine obviously, but you have to d everything in 10 minutes. So who ever looks the best in the end will win. You guys ready?" I asked and they all said yes. "Ready... steady... GO!" Zoe and I shouted and the boys began to rush doing our make up.

10 minutes later and the timer went off. Zoe and I turned to look at each other and we were both in shock, they didn't to as bad as we thought they would. Alfie did a good job with the eye shadow and Joe did a good job with the face.

"Alfie me and you should team up and create a business and do peoples make up. I'll do the face and you do the eyes!" Joe exclaimed making us all laugh. We finished the video and the boys put away the camera and lights while Zo and I washed off our make up. Joe ordered us some pizza after we filmed Zoe's video s that by the time we finished kine the pizza would have arrived and we were right. We all sat in the Living room with the dogs sharing Nala's big bed and we our pizza and watched a film. After the film ended we cleaned up and went to bed. Nala and Lily slept downstairs in the small dog pen cuddled up together.

Just Best Friends - A Tom Holland Short story.Where stories live. Discover now