~Morph 4~

379 27 6

Ray's Pov


I felt my hair being twirled and everyone giving me a look.  "India stop."  I said already thinking it was her.  "Uhhhhh it's not me."  India mumbled.  I turned and was soon pushed over by a Prodigy with a light purple cloak on.  "Your so cute."  He purred at me.   "Uhhhh...."  Mac picked Prod up off me, which I was very disappointed at.  "Since when do you wear purple?"  Mac asked.  "It's so pretty! SO passionate and affectionate!"  He squealed and ran back in the hall.  

"Since when does Prodigy do....that?"  I muttered and then heard laughing.  We all screamed to turn around and see Prodigy in pink.  "YOU'RE WEARING PINK!"  We all screamed.   "Pink is my FAVORITE color!"  Prodigy twirled around many times.  "You were just wearing purple."  Chres whispered just as stunned.  Prodigy laughed again and we all screamed once again.  "No silly!" Prodigy smiled and I basically fainted.  Prodigy laughed at me,"Your funny."  My mouth dropped open.  "You think I'm funny?!"  I screamed.  "Always." Prodigy giggled and skipped off.  "NO COME BACK!" I yelled and then felt a kick to my head.  A red cloaked Prodigy.  I flung over.  "WHAT THE HECK!?" I screamed and the Prodigy just snickered and disappeared in the ground.  

We all looked at each other confused.  Soon Prodigy came out in a gray cloak on sniffling.  I walked to him and tapped him, but he turned away.  "DUDE, WHAT THE HECK!?  FIRST YOU COME IN HERE WITH A PURPLE CLOAK ON!  NEXT YOUR LIKE ALL ON ME TRYNAA KISS ME OR SOMETHING AND THE YOU COME BACK IN PINK AND LAUGH! AT EVERYTHING!   AND LET'S NOT FORGET YOU KICKING ME!  NOW YOUR ALL SULKY! What the fuck Prodigy!?" I screamed and shouted at him. 

"RAAAAAYYYY!"  I heard Prodigy's voice yelled and he walked out with his leotard in half so his tummy was exposed and his sleeves ripped.  No cloak on.  My eyes widen and then I looked at him then the other him....  "Timid?" I whispered to the one in the gray.  "Y-ye-Yes."  Timid whispered back and I looked at the half naked one.  "Scandalous?" I asked.  "YEPPERS! Now catch me!"  He squealed and jumped.  I ran and caught him.  

"What the...heck..."  Prince said to me saying heck for Chres's sake.  "Uhhhhhhhh...well I had a dream Prodigy had persons with emotions.  He uh did mention one time to me...that in his head a place called Emotion-No. "  I said.  "So like how many..." India asked.  "That's what I don't know..." I whispered and then two purple cloaks came out.  A dark one and then a light on.  I looked at the dark one.  "Passionate?"  I asked.  "AND AFFECTION!" He squealed and jumped on me.   I heaved both Scandalous and Affectionate up.  I looked at the dark purple Prodigy.  "Uhhhh..." I said lowly.  "I love, love."  The Prodigy said.  "You must be lov-  Oh god!"I grunted as Love climbed in the middle and sat criss-cross on the other two and started to play with my face muttering love stuff.  

"CLAP ALONG IF YOU FEEL LIKE HAPPINESS IS THE TRUTH!"  A Prodigy in a yellow cloak ran out and started clapping.  "RAAAAY! EEEEE I'M EVEN HAPPIER!" Happy I assume yelled and got on my back.  "So so far we have....Timid, Happy, Love, Affectionate, and Scandalous.  "Please tell me Rage isn't out..." I whispered pleading with them.  "R-Rage?  Yes." Timid stuttered.  

I looked at the others.  I motioned for us to go to the couch and so we did.  I put the Prodigy's on the couch and soon a Prodigy in a light green came out and walked over and sat down reading.  "Smart?"  I asked and he nodded. "Did you like eneter his mind?"  Mac asked me.  "No." I said.  "It's like they travel into my mind sometimes and visit me in my dreams."  I answered.  "Visit you?  Why?" Prince asked.  "LOOK AT THIS FACE!"  Affectionate leaped on me and kissed all on my face and I laughed.  "As you see I spend alot of time with Affectionate. But not the time."  I sighed holding up Affectionate.

"So what do we do?"  Mac asked looking at Prince. Prince pointed at me.  "Listen to him."  Prince said and my mouth dropped open.  "YAAAAY!"  Happy squealed.  "Well we should-"  "ATTACK!"  I felt the one and only Brave land beside me.  Dark green cloak.  "Brave, come on use your sense.  Oh wait I forgot you don't have any sense!" I yelled and Brave scrunched his face up and crossed his arms.  "I have sense."  Brave muttered. "Then use it." I muttered right back.  "The plan?  Please."  Chresanto piped.

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