~Morph 15~

382 26 2

Mac's Pov


I pushed my hand from up the rubble.  Prince getting up from the wall and running to help Chres.  "He weakened the fall....Prodigy is still in there."  I said and the nodded.

"What should we do?"  Chres asked and we looked to Prince.


Prince's Pov


"Save Ray.  And stop Iapetus and Trigon, somehow get through to India. Get out Prodigy back and...just go back to our normal lives."  I said and they nodded.  "I hope friend Ray is still the well." Chres whispered and Mac got up,"He has to be man." Mac grumbled and we all stood and left.  

We looked out and saw Iapetus and Trigon laughing.   Prodigy had tear down his face and Ray was laying on the ground, pain evident on him.  But even if Ray lay on that ground, his eyes still held love for Prodigy.  

Chres grabbed us both and started to fly.


Prodigy's Pov


I knelled down beside Ray.  I was shaking heavily.  The dagger aimed for his heart.  "We would have had lots of babies." Ray whispered.  "Babies?" I smiled.  "Demon babies and shape shifting babies.  Demon shape shifting babies."  Ray whispered in his hoarse voice.  "A wedding day?"  I asked.  "Of course."  Ray smiled and I threw myself on him.  The dagger sliding away.

"What are you doing? KILL HIM!" Iapetus yelled.

"There's something you don't know about Prodigy and Ray! THEY HAVE A BOND!" Prince yelled and fell in front of Iapetus stabbing him in the eye with his staff and then retracting it.  Iapetus bellowed in rage.  

Mac landed in front of us and picked the dagger up and became the metal.  Rare metal.  Stygian metal.  Mac ran up Trigon's leg and went head first into his stomach.  "YOU!"  Trigon yelled and stood and Mac ran all over him.  Mac climbed up his body and into his nose.  

"India get this one!"  Iapetus threw Prince, but Chres just caught him and flew them into Iapetus nose.  "AH!" Iapetus bellowed. 

I stood as I felt my body, become mine.  India looked to me.  "KILL THEM!" She ordered.  "Your not my master."I growled and sent her to one of the other places.  I looked down at Ray.  "I'm...I'm fine." He whispered.  I nodded and so I levitated to Trigon.  He was hitting himself, Mac was doing a bang up job by herself. "Help your uncle."  He said.  "NEVER!" I yelled and sent a gust of power his way.  His fell back in his seat and Mac climbed out.  I hovered over him, my eyes becoming blazing white.  "I SEND YOU FROM WHERE YOU CAME!"  I screamed.   White light came from my hands and I engulfed him in the white light his bellows became faraway and soon he was gone.

"Brother!"  Iapetus yelled and Chres and Prince were flung off.  Iapetus rose.  He was much bigger than Trigon was.  Much.  "Kill him."  Iapetus yelled and my body rose and shear pain came through me.  "AHHHH!"  I yelled and I fell to the ground.  "Prodigy?"  My friends...friends? Ha! 

I stood up.  My eyes in four.  A gold pair and a red pair.  I froze my teammates in place and summoned the dagger.  "Prodigy no!"  Prince yelled.  "Yes.  Kill him and this shows, you love no one."  Iapetus bellowed.  "Be my son."  Iapetus whispered.  

I knelled down beside Ray.  "Remember, I always will..love..you."  Ray whispered and I plunged the dagger into Ray.  I screamed out as I heard his scream and I came back...Me!  My eyes went back to normal.  I looked as Ray lay in a pool of his own blood.  My friends unfroze.  I cried deeply.  The cry resonated through out.  "There there Prodigy-"  "HE'S DEAD!"  I screamed and turned to Iapetus.  My eyes ablaze once more.  "Turn against me and I shall kill you- AHH!" Iapetus fell into the lava from my strike.  I slowly had him lifted out and he groaned. He shook and stood up.  My father sent his red energy at me.  "YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS WILL DIE!"  Iapetus yelled.  I took on his red energy,  consuming it and soon something happened.  I sent gold ethereal at him and he sent red ethereal at me.  A fight for the strongest.  "Help."  I whispered to my friends and they nodded.

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