Allison's POV

I raise my hand to my face, blocking out the sun that blinds my eyes. It had been nearly an hour since I had seen a sight I longed to forget.

• • •

"What are you doing here?" he questions in a low tone. His face scrunches as his eyes meet mine.

"Should you really be the one asking that?" I revert my eyes to the tall blonde smacking on a piece of gum she had shoved in her mouth. "You've screwed yourself, I hope you've got some kind of plan on how you're going to explain this to Olivia."

"And if I don't..."

"Then I will. I don't want to see her hurt. But if I have to tell her, then trust me that you will regret it."

"What's the worst you could do, kitten?"

"Oh you don't want to know." It's as if he couldn't tell how serious I was because he smirk only grew. Was he trying to turn this conversation to look like something else? For what reason, I wonder?

"Uh who the heck are you?" the blonde girl sneers from beside Isaac, who looks down at his feet. "Never mind, what does it matter." Oh, so this is what he wanted huh? She then walks up to me and rests her hand on one of my shoulders, "You know why?"

I shake my head and peak over to Isaac who was still staring at the ground, ever so slightly giggling. "Because if you EVER speak to him like that again, you will end up just like that loser over there." she points over to a girl sitting along the curb, quietly eating some kind of food. "So I suggest that you get away from here, and never show your face to me or him-"

"She will not be the one sorry," Isaac walks up in front of me and grabs a hold of my hand, the playful torment he had planned now vanished from his face. "Syd, apologize to Alison and leave."

"But she-"

"Apologize," he raises his voice and I am slightly startled.

"I'm sorry." she blushes, embarrassed and then looks over at Isaac. He glares back at her, and I feel his hand tighten a bit around mine. The girl quietly begins to leave, her eyes still averting between us as she left. Isaac moves closer to me, and the girl stomps off around the corner, leaving me and Isaac alone.

"Uh, sorry." Isaac releases my hand and steps away from me.

"What was the purpose? Are you trying to cheat with me too?"

His eyes still linger in a daze at my hand, "No."

"Then why?"

"Isn't it obvious?" he sighs, "Go home. You wouldn't understand. And no, I'm not cheating on Olivia, so don't go blabbing." I roll my eyes and begin walking in the direction I leave for home, only to catch a strange look on Isaac's face; one I hadn't seen before. Dark? Sad? Something was bothering him, and for some reason I couldn't turn a blind eye to it. Maybe because of its familiarity to something I've felt before.

"Should've thought about that before you cheated on her." I peak back at him to see if he is listening. He barely is. "In fact, I'm heading to her house now to tell her."

His eyes snap to mine, but he is too late before I dash off running.

"Damn it, Al." he begins to chase after me. Little does he know where I'm not going.

So present time, where the sun be shining and blinding me. Yeah, not so little update but he's still surprisingly following after me. I slowed to my jog after a while of running yet he still couldn't catch up with me fully. "So like, you play football if I remember correctly?"

"What of it?"

"The fact that I've been ahead of you this whole time and your only now closer to me." I laugh and then knowingly slowed down since we were near our (my) destination. I honestly can't imagine how far off from his house we are.

There is only a few types of houses here, and as twisted as it may seem, none of which he or his parents could possibly afford. I think he's caught on only a little by the way he's been staring at some houses and giving strange looks along the way. Does he not know where Olivia lives? Her parents are both lawyers if that tells you much, but still don't live here. Right, so my parents own a company, then my mother is actually a model for Kate Spade. Not many people come here though and I like to keep my low profile.

"Okay, I know I'm not blind here but these are only going up in size, where in the ten hells are we again?"

Oh, hold up, I'm sorry. "What kind of sizes you talking about?"

He instantly shot me a creeped out face, "HOUSES, Alison. Houses."

I giggle at my own joke, "I know, I was just cheezin you... like pizza."

He rolls his eyes behind his slightly embarrassed face. This is new. Oh look, we're here, I say quietly to myself only. I turn into the long sidewalk that leads to my front door. He doesn't question though, in fact he seemed nervous as he took a few deep inhales. He actually thinks this is Olivia's house, lol. Have fun walking yourself back to where you belong. I chuckled at the thought.

I casually unlocked the door without him noticing, walk into to my house, and slam the door behind me. You deserve this.

"Welcome home, Dear." my mother greets from her work desk in the huge office dedicated room by the living room; how convenient, right?

"Hello, Mom." I smile kindly to her. "I'll be upstairs."

"Fine with me." she responds. I begin to walk up the stairs, leading to me room, only to hear a loud, stern knock from our front door. Can't you tell that this is not your girlfriend's house? I sigh and make my way to the door. The stop short when my mom beats me to it.

"Hello Sweetie, are you one of Olivia's friends?" I peek only a little behind the stairs. Let's hope this doesn't get me into trouble today.

"Uhhhh..." I watch his eyes slightly scan the entrance of our house. He actually looks intimidated. Who is the actual worlds is this boy? Not Jack Frost, he's a total... no, only Isaac is a jerk face.

"Cat got your tongue? It's alright, come. We're actually going to have dinner in a few." his eyes widen at my mother's comment. I'm even taken back a little by it.

"Uh, wait. Uh, ok. Um, thank you... Madam." he quickly finishes his sentence and I try hard not to burst into fits of giggles. Oh this is going to be a long... what do people call it, evening? Well, let's just say it's going to be interesting.

Been a while, hope you like it!
Until nxt time <3 pantherXlily

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