Chapter 12

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A/N: FINALLY AN UPDATE! I HATE NOT UPDATING! After hours of trying to get ideas, and hours of sitting in front of the computer trying to figure out what to write, here it is! CHAPTER 12 EVERYBODY!


Ringo’s POV:

One minute, we’re all having fun.

The next, Cleo looks as while as a sheet of paper.

“Are you okay Cle?” I ask her. She doesn’t reply, she just continues to stare at whoever she was staring at. Wait – who is she staring at? I look over to see a woman with bright blonde hair on a date with a fellow who had light brown hair, and they were both dressed very nicely.

Hold on a second – is he wearing a wedding ring?

Cleo stood up suddenly in the busy restaurant, and we all stared at her. A few people stared too, after all she was pretty popular around here. Shyla and Tessa stand up too. What is this all about?

The girl who they were staring at finally turns her head and looks over at us. She sees Cleo and says “Hello friend!” in a very cheery voice.

“There’s no friend in this!” Cleo yells at her, getting the attention of nearly everyone.

“Why not Cleo?”

“Because you slept with my husband that’s why!”

A gasp spread across the restaurant. This is the girl who Cleo’s husband was cheating on her with? Now that she points it out, it does look like the girl in the picture…

“It’s because he found you boring Cleo. Wonder why he never slept with you? I wonder why he married you in the first place.”

Cleo went crazy at that remark.

She didn’t even say anything back.

Cleo took the water glasses we already had at our table and tossed all of the water at the girl. A deep gasp spread across the room, the loudest one being from the girl herself. Cleo just smiled and went to go sit down, when the girl attacked back.

It was a full out brawl.

The girl grabbed Cleo’s hair and threw her onto the ground. I wasn’t about to sit there and let Cleo be attacked, but it’s not like I could hit a woman!

I didn’t have to.

Cleo kicked her in the leg and the other girl fell and Cleo jumped onto her. I stood up and the man the other woman was with stood up. “Don’t lay a finger on her,” he said in a tone that was an attempt to sound intimidating.

“Or what?” I asked him, being stupid. I didn’t even notice that a waitress was running to go look for a phone. He didn’t answer my questions in words, he just threw a punch.

The entire restaurant was in panic as we all were fighting. George was helping me attack the man while Tessa went and helped Cleo, and Shyla just sat there, unsure what to do.

I didn’t even notice how beat up we all were getting. Suddenly, from the entrance, a loud, booming voice yelled “STOP ALL OF YOU!” We all stopped and looked at the officers.

Before we knew it, we were all in handcuffs, in a car being driven to the nearest police station. Well, all of us but Shyla. She said she’d help us out and ran out.

We got to the police station, and we all shared one holding cell, and they were having an officer watch us so we wouldn’t start fighting.

“Well,” the woman began, looking at me. “I don’t think I’ve met you. I’m Riplee, and I assume your Cleo’s new boy toy?”

The officer watching us wasn’t enough.

Cleo pounced onto Riplee and had her pinned on the floor. “Don’t insult him!” She screamed at her. Riplee just laughed I helped the officer pull Cleo off her. When the officer left, Cleo just threw her arms around me. “This isn’t how I wanted our evening to work out,” She told me as she buried her head in my chest.

“It’s okay Cle, it’ll be okay,” I told her and rested my head on hers.

Shyla’s POV:

“Taxi! Taxi!” I yelled out to any yellow car I saw as soon as I got out of there. I have to get Calvyn, he’ll help, right?

I pretty much throw myself into the cab and take out my wallet. I tell him the address and throw down some money. He drives Cleo’s place while I sit in the back impatiently. I mean, my best friends and my boyfriend were just thrown in jail with the woman who we caught cheating and her date! This is fucked up!

We get there and I jump out, not even bothering to get my change. At least Calvyn has a car. I dash up the stairs and don’t stop running until I get to his door. Good thing I decided against heels this morning. I pound on his door until finally he answers, but I can tell he’s barely himself.

He has a goofy smile on his face and he has a bottle in his hands. He’s been stress drinking again.

“Hiiii Shyyylaaa,” He greets, carrying out his words longer than they are.

“You idiot!” I yell at him on impulse. “I need you now, and you’re fucking drunk!”

“I’m not that badd,” he says, trying to defend himself.

“Have you seen yourself?”

“What do you need?”

“Cleo, Tessa, George and Ringo got themselves in jail!”

He thinks about it. “I’ll help for two reasons,” he said, still a little fuzzy. “One, I love Cleo. Two, because I respect her love for Richard.”

I was shocked immediately. Is he saying that because he’s drunk? “You do?”

“Well, I admit, he isn’t the best. He can’t fight well, he’s short and he looks a bit funny, but, he makes her happy. All of this drinking made me see that.”

“You needed alcohol to see that?”

“Yes, now let’s go,” he stated, grabbing his keys. I stole them from him. “I’ll be driving.”

We dashed down the stairs and saw someone outside we didn’t think would come back.

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