Idk (srry no good title ;-;)

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"Ok girls thats it for now."-Me

"Awwww please one more chapter."-Laz and Sally with puppy eyes and possible croc tears.

"Sorry girls there is a little......'situation' at home and I need to get back and *yawn* I'm really tired and need some sleep."-Me


"Ok."-sad Lazzy

"I promise I will continue it tomorrow girls ok?"-Me

"Ok."-Laz and Sally

"See you guys later bye."-Me

"Bye." Everyone said as I walked out the room. I sighed remembering what lies at home and while walking home feeling the paranoia that someone is following I couldn't stop thinking about all the skeletons there. Even though most of them are really nice I just don't like any contact with any of them whatsoever. I soon made it back to a tree right outside my bedroom window. I decided not to worry about anything until tomorrow so I climbed the tree and crawled back into my bedroom. I then went to sleep. 'hopefully they won't ask why I had to leave.' I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

-srry this chapter is short I have to finish these kinda quick and also I tired and lazy but anyway......kawaii-chan out~-

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