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(Rob's POV)
"Babe. Don't leave now. It's 2 in the morning. It's so late. Just spend the night," I urged Mat.
"No love. I have to get home," I sighed. The Montreal streets were full of snow as usual. Hazards are common on roads like this.
"Fine, but please be safe. Okay?" I said
"Okay!" I got out of bed and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Skype tomorrow, well today?" I asked.
"Yea beautiful," he said walking out the door. I drift back to sleep. What seems like hours later I receive a phone call.
"Hello?" I ask picking up the phone.
"Hello. Is this a Robert Latsky? You were on Mathew Nucciarone's emergency card,"
"What is there a problem? Is Mat okay?" I almost yell into the phone.
"I think you should get down here as fast as you can, Mat is hurt," I get the address and with that I put some clothes on. I jump into my car and speed to the street the man on the phone gave me. I scope out the scene. There are many cop cars, about 3 ambulances, smoke and the caution tape. I park and get out of my car as fast as humanly possible.
"Mat!" I start calling out. A cop sees me and walks over.
"Sir you are not permitted to be here at the moment," he said.
"You need to shut the hell up. My boyfriend was in this crash. Let me past," I snarl. He lifts the tape. I see a body getting loaded in an ambulance. I see a head of black curls and rush over.
"Mat! Mat!!" I scream. One if the paramedics pulls me aside.
"He's hurt really bad, son. Maybe some brain injures. He was impacted by the driver side so it was a direct hit to him."I just stand there stunned. Then all of a sudden uncontrollable tears start flowing.
"You can ride in your car to the hospital." I nod and run to my car. I pull out my phone and call Mitch.
"Mitch-hh.. Mat was in a crash-h.. he's hurt really bad-d. Get to the-ee hospital as fast as you can."
"Is he okay Rob?"
"I have no information but that, please hurry," I hiccuped into the phone, unable to speak properly.
"I'll be there as soon as I can," I hang up.

I'm sitting in the waiting room with Mitch. A nurse comes out with a clipboard.
"Are you here for Mathew Nu-"
"Yes ma'am can we just get the room number?" I ask.
"Room 345."
"Isn't that the ICU unit?" Mitch asks. She nods. I rush I've room and see Mat full of tubes all over him. I see the heart meter go up and down.
"Oh Mat,"I say rushing to his side I think he's sleeping. "Mat I love you so much. I knew you should of stayed the night. This is all my fault. I should of forced you to stay." I weep onto his shoulder.
Then his heart beat goes still.
"Code blue! code blue room 345 in ICU!" The intercom system rang out.
"NOO!" I yell as I'm being dragged out of Mats room. I start scratching on the doors of his room.
"Mat... Mat.." I sob. Mitch picks me up by my sweater.
"Pull yourself together man. You're an adult and you need to get a grip. He wouldn't want you like this," he says.
"Your right I need to pull it together," I said. At that moment the doctor called us back into the room.
"So is he going to be okay?" I ask hoping for the best.
"Do you want me to be straightforward or sugar coat it?" He asks.
"Be as straightforward as possible." Mitch says.
"He's in a coma," That was all I heard after I felt to the ground.
I find myself back in the waiting room of the hospital. Mitch was falling asleep on me. I go up to the front desk.
"Um is the code blue cleared in room 345?" I ask.
"Yes, you can go in," she replies never looking up from her computer. I walk back to Mats room and let all the water works out.
"Mat.. I love you. You should've stayed home. I will visit you as much as I can love. You have no idea how much this hurts me." I sit in the room crying until Mitch comes in.
"Come on Rob. We have to go now," I shake my head.
"I can't leave him," I say sobbing.
"It's 7:30 in the morning. We have to go and get some sleep."

It's been two days since Mat fell into a coma. I've shut everyone out besides Mat. All I do is talk to him. I cant tell who Mitch is more worried about. Me or Mat.
Preston was the only other person I responded to. He said he was flying out here to check up on me. I told him not to but he insisted. So now I'm waiting for Preston. Maybe he'll help me get my mind off of Mat.
Word Count 861

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