Chapter One

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Bigi Jackson was just an average kid in Los Angeles, California. Although his father was the greatest entertainer of all time: Michael Jackson. Bigi was very active in sports, and loved hanging out with his friends Gabe and Shawn, and often challenging them to video games. He was usually quiet in class, but was very smart in his studies at Buckley. Racing his way home, he darted down the sidewalk to make it home.

He stopped as soon as he saw and heard a commotion between two guys and a girl. She was a tomboy and was singled out a great deal by the kids at school. He knew her, since she generally had math, English, gym and science class with him. She was peaceful, yet he knew she could draw, she was capable yet no one knew-or even gave it a second thought. Snapping out of his idea,, he saw the two guys. They beat her so gravely that she was attempting to shout yet no words could frame.   One by one they kicked, and punched, dumping her belongings out her backpack and ripping her time consumed drawings to shreds. Bigi then dropped his book bag and balled his fists in anger. Why would they do this to a girl?  he thought."Hey!" he yelled, making the two boys stop and turn to face him. "Leave her alone, now." The guys just stared and laughed. "And what if we don't? You gonna get your siblings on us?" one remarked. Bigi shook his head and laughed. "Nah, they know I don't need help. Besides, you have NO idea what you guys got yourselves into, I'll have you know I'm a black belt, so I can easily beat your ass." The two boys laughed loudly. "So what? I've beaten people who were black belts before. You think that's gonna scare us?" "Well it should," replied Bigi. "You guys think it's okay to beat on females. What in the hell did she do to you? I know this girl, she's real quiet and nice even though I've rarely spoken to her before, but that doesn't give you the right to beat the shit out of her."  Before Bigi could finish what he was saying, one of the boys pushed him down. However, this didn't stop him from giving them a taste of their own medicine. As the boys fled, Bigi picked up the girl's belongings, put them back into her backpack, grabbed his, and carried her to his house.

Falling For You: A Bigi Jackson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now