Chapter Two

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Waking up in the hospital bed that same night, Sarah couldn't remember most of what happened, but as she looked around, she saw Bigi sitting in the chair near her bedside. He smiled softly as she woke. "Hey.. So glad you're okay. The doctor said you have a few bruises and scarring, but thankfully nothing serious and that you can go home tonight." Bigi watched Sarah smile at him softly. "Oh! I gotcha something." He took out a small bag and pulled out a Yoda plushie from inside and gave it to her. "I know you love Star Wars, and Yoda is your favorite, well, besides Chewie." He laughed. He looked so handsome tonight, he wore a Marvel superhero shirt and sweatpants. His hair was neatly brushed and draped behind his shoulders gracefully. "How did you know?" She asked softly examining the small stuffed toy. "I tracked down your friends from school and asked them during lunch. They told me you absolutely adored Star Wars, so I went down to the gift shop and found this little guy sitting on a display case. He smiled his cute smile. "I care about you so much, and to think about it, I've never felt this way about anyone before besides my dad and my family and-"

"Bigi.. Why me?" She interrupted, looking him in the eyes while clutching her Yoda toy. "What do you mean?" he looked confused. "I mean why did you decide to defend me from those guys? I'm nothing special, I'm just a girl who dresses like a boy.. I'm kind of a weirdo." Bigi looked down at his hands and then spoke. "Because that's what my father would've wanted, he told us to always share our love and help others, because it was the right thing to do. You're not weird, the truth is when you started school at Buckley, I thought you were cute, and I started to like you a lot.." His cheeks began to turn a bright red. "But why didn't you say anything to me?" she asked. "Because every time we had classes together, I would be too shy and nervous to talk to you.. But now I don't care. I'm not so shy anymore, so I'm telling you how I truly feel about you. You are sweet, and kind, we like the same things, and the same games on Xbox. My brother and sister both like you, you're never rude to any of us. I like that you're being yourself unlike most of the girls I talk to, and that's rare."

Falling For You: A Bigi Jackson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now