The Human #21

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Town of BellFlow -100 miles from Moon Town- 6 Years Ago...

I spiked up sitting on my bed and checked my calendar, today was my 10th birthday. I then rushed towards my parents' bedroom to wake them, "Mom, Dad, quick get up" they pretended to be sleeping until I hopped onto their bed. They grabbed me playfully and I'd struggle to get out of their grasp until my little brother came in and joined me in defeating my parents. After that, they sang "Happy Birthday" to me and we had some cake which turned out my mom bought last night. The cake had a little happy face on it but I wasn't too interested in that, I was more of a "taste" kind of kid. It ended up being quite delicious. My parents have always been there for me and I had great respect for them, my brother was always fun to play with and whenever I was feeling down he came to me and cuddled with me which brought me joy. After I let my parents sleep, I saw this new advertisement of a pizzeria that opened recently named: Chuck & Pizza so with a rush of excitement I ran to my parents' room and jumped on their sleeping bodies and tugged on them as if the jump wasn't enough. "Mom, Dad! Wake up!" my dad grabbed me and put me on his lap as he and mom woke up. "What's up J?" he said yawning "Can we go to the pizzeria?" I said with puppy eyes, my mother stretched and yawned "Can't we go later?" but I begged until we got in the car and drove off. I remember being so excited to go there that I could just smell the cheesy pizza. As the traffic lights changed from red to green and my dad stepped on the pedal...a bright red car rammed into us at high velocity sending me into a comma...about three months later I woke up in a hospital bed with barely breathing. The nurse that was taking care of me ran out of the room in a flash and grabbed the doctor and took her to my bedside. "J? Can you hear me?" She said with a muffled voice "M-Mom?" my eyesight came back to me and I was able to see her a little bit better, but my vision had become blurry. "Here," she said with a gentle voice and gave me some light blue glasses which I then put on and I saw her "Where's mom? And dad?" there was hesitation in her voice "They're in a better place..." I felt weak, with tears running through my eyes " brother?" She shook her head no. I crawled onto a little ball and cried. I couldn't believe they were gone, all because of me...if I hadn't acted like a stupid brat then they'd still be alive. Why WHY WHY!?!?! WHY WASN'T I KILLED?!? why... Soon after, I made a recovery and a man with a lab coat and red-and-white hair greeted me. He had some infection-looking black ink growing from his chin up. "Good evening J" when he spoke the inky goo stretched and an eerie white smile was revealed below. Voice had a rough I peeked at the man "W-who are you? Leave me alone" he sat down besides me and put his hands on me, but it wasn't one of those comfortable connections...his hands were freezing but his presence was warm. "Who...Who are you?" the man took his hand way "Listen, I'm here to help you" after he said that my head completely turned around to him "Now, I run an orphanage and id like to have you in it, while there we can get you a nice family that may take you in" I hesitated for an answer but in the end I nodded "great, but one thing...this orphanage, however, isn't like others.. this is a "special" orphanage for the unknown" I looked at him in confusion "What do you mean by special?" He had a chuckled, but it sounded more like dark laughter "You see...beings are now taking over the world and our orphanage accepts this, but what we don't have is a single human" I sat up "so you need a human? This isn't about helping me?" I said, and he stood up, fixing his lap coat "I'm helping both you AND me" he lent his hand for me to take "So? Will you come with me?" I didn't take his hand but slowly stood up "alright then, DOC!" another man in a coat approached carrying two small needles. One with a green liquid and another with black-ink like goo. "What...What are you doing?" the man when behind me and pinned me on the bed "It's just regular procedures," the red and white man said while the other inserted the green needle onto my arm, making me feel drowsy and knocking me unconscious. When I came to we weren't at the hospital anymore, but in a car with the red-white haired man driving. "Where are we going...?" I looked around in fright "We're going to the orphanage" he looked through the mirror beside him "Why did you put those needles into me...what was in them?" he laughed again "don't worry about it, just a little anti-bacterial shot before you enter what'll become your home until you get adopted".

(Hey guys! It's your favorite pyro here and I'd like to thank all of you for reading this book, we now have a whopping 801 views I know that doesn't mean much to bigger writers but to me, it means you guys are taking the time to read through this and therefore have greatly affected me. I'd like to inform you guys that I'm going to be giving a shoutout to whoever reads this message just comment anything you'd like onto this paragraph and you'll have a shoutout on the next chapter! Now with that out of the way, I want to tell you all if you're a little confused on what's happening here. This is basically J's backstory -don't worry J it's still not done- and I'll be continuing next chapter but with a different point of view, who will it be I wonder >:3)

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