Chapter 22: Worked Up

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Four months later

Your POV

"Baby wake up" Jungkook says but you answer with a groan. Your just so comfortable laying in bed under the warm covers.

" your not going to wake up?" He says and even though your eyes are closed you know he's smirking.

Suddenly he presses his lips firmly on yours and a simple kiss turns into a morning make out.

You wake up flustered and sit up on the bed. The blanket falls down and your baby bump shows.

Jungkook's eyes glisten in happiness. He sits at the corner of the bed and gently places his hand on your stomach.

" the bump has gotten bigger" he smiles

" yeah" you smile

" I think it's a girl" he says

" why?" You ask giggling

" because having a mini you running around sounds perfect" he laughs with you

" I think it's a boy" you say

" you want to have a mini me running around" he laughs

" kind of"

" huh? What do you mean 'kind of'?" He asks with his eyebrow cocked up

" I mean your already a handful and having another mini you isn't bad but I'm gong to have to take care and raise two boys" you laugh

" I'm not a boy!" He says sternly

" ohh really" you continue to tease him

" don't think just because your pregnant I won't punish you" he says with a smirk

You stayed quiet, pondering if he really would or if he's just joking like you were.

" in fact having sex speeds up labor and helps bring the baby faster"

You face flushes red in a hot second.

" so I'll ask again, am I a boy?" He asks amusingly

" no your not" you say

" good, now breakfast is already prepared so change and come down" he says and stands up from the bed.

He leaves the bedroom and you get out of bed. You change into black sweats and one of Jungkook's white shirts because it's comfortable.

You look in the mirror and you don't bother fixing your hair or doing your makeup.

You've been locked up in Jungkook's mansion for the past months. You haven't set foot outside the estate because he won't allow it.

He thinks the person who worked for Jack Pai will harm you once more and will hit back harder than before because of what Jungkook did to their men.

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