Chapter 29: Torment

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Your POV

The hidden hallway led to the garage where all the vehicles are parked. Luckily all the keys are hung on a wall. You take one and rush to the car it belongs to. It would've taken some time but the keys had a number that matched the parking spot.

You hesitantly get into the black Jeep worrying about Jin and the others. Your mind begins to ramble with thoughts and it's overwhelming but then you remember Jin's words telling you to leave without him.

Without noticing tears are making their way down your face. You start the engine and press the button that opens the garage. You pull out and step on the gas making an escape. The men parked outside noticed and shoot at the car. Glass shattering from behind as you leave.

From the rear mirror you see how small they become and then you don't see them at all.

Jin. I'm sorry.

*flash back*

Two gunshots are heard right outside the door from where your staying. Jin? Your mouth drapes open with your hand over it trying to suppress the screams and cries.

" Y/n now! forget me!" Jin screams and you can hear the pain in his voice. Did he get shot?

"Open the dam door!" The guy yells while pounding on it.

Jungkook I need you... we need you. Where are you?! Why did you leave?!

The door rattles.

"I'm sorry Jin"

~ end of flashback~

The road becomes blurry from all your crying. Your head starts to hurt and feel unbearable pain in your stomach.

You scream in agony and your vision goes blurry. You don't pay attention and the last thing you hear is a car horn.

~ Jungkook POV ~

" DRIVE FASTER!" I shout at Jimin who's currently driving back to the estate where y/n and Jin are.

"It was a fucking setup!" Yoongi curses and hits the glass window of the car.

"FUCK!" Taehyung yells frustrated

" we played right into Jack's hands" Namjoon says

He orchestrated all of this just to get me away from y/n, leaving her alone and unprotected. Fuck! I'm such a fucking idiot for not realizing it.

He provoked me and I took the damn bait. The phone calls taunting me knowing I would act right away. He's been watching us. He must of found out where we were hiding out when I took y/n baby shopping.

"DAMN YOU!" I yell punching the car window and it cracks.

If anything happens to her I'll die. I can't live without her. What's life without the person you love.

"We're here!" Hoseok shouts and We all step out the car fully armed. The two black SUV's that don't belong to me have the tires full of bullet holes.

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