Chapter 2

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There may be some content in this chapter that may be uncomfortable to some readers... Blood and Gore

You arrive at school to be greeted by the fist bell "sh*t I'm gonna be late" you said as you ran to your classroom. You made it just in time once you ran through the classroom doors the second bell rang through the school. You let out a sigh of relief as you sat down at your desk. "OK class this is Jake, he's the new student!" your teacher Ms. Lin said as a brown short haired boy in a red hoodie stood beside her. "Jake you can go sit next to Y/N over there" Ms. Lin told Jake as she pointed at you. He walked towards the empty desk to your right. Once he reached the desk and he sat down you gave him a friendly smile and said "Hello Jake! My names Y/N well you already know that..." "OK just shut up ugly b*tch cause that voice of yours is giving me a migraine after only a second of listening to it!" he said lowly so Ms. Lin didn't hear him. You instantly froze up and turned away from him ready to focus on the lesson.

Time Skip To 3 Months Later
Jake only got meaner to you as time went on. after a month of verbal abuse he went and started hitting you the fact that you were a girl and he was a boy didn't even stop him from putting alot of strength in his hits. Today's another day... You thought as you rolled out of bed. You quickly got ready for another day at school.  Another day of abuse. You headed downstairs and ate breakfast ignoring your moms questions like you have since the abuse from Jake got physical. You pulled on your F/C boots and slung your book bag over one shoulder and walked out the door.

You arrive at school late. As soon as you walked through the doors Jake grabbed you by your neck and slammed you into the empty hallways walls. You struggled to escape his grasp. "an ugly b*tch like you deserves what I will do to you today" Jake hissed as he punched you a few times and slammed you into the wall at full strength. Funny thing was it didn't hurt you like it use to over the past few months you could feel your sanity slowly slip away from the almost tortuous abuse. It Bothered you to the point of where words couldn't explain it. it angered you.  You scare yourself at your thoughts saying kill him. You even thought about it but Didn't go through with it you were still sane enough to control your emotions... The pain wasn't even able to compare to your emotions at that moment. Jake had broke you. The final blow that made you Snap  was a punch To the stomach that causing blood to spill out of your mouth. You. Crouched down clutching your stomach crying a bit. James just stood there and stared at you as a Smile that  was full of your insanity spread across your face as you slowly stood up and pulled out your pocket knife that you carry everyday for protection and you looked up at him the smile still plastered on your face with eyes full of rage and craziness you flicked (is that what ya do when you open a pocket knife??) open the pocket knife and lunged at him...

A/N wow... not to much gore (witch means the shedding of blood if you did not know) but I still wanted to put a warning...and Jeff will come in the next chapter! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see ya in the next one! Bye my little mermaids!❤❤❤

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