6- Healed and walking

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Omg im sorry ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

I was supposed to upload on Saturday but guess what day it is? MONDAY! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

I have just been trying my hardest to think on what I should do for this story. I have the beautiful Kiane ending planned, but if I write the dilemma now and end it, this whole story will only be around 12 chapters.. that may be enough for someone, but not ME! I need this chapter at least 20 chapters...


It can't be something where King and Diane kiss and romantic stuff because that will happen later on. Something that is linked to after this chapter. I need help :3 Any comment and suggestion helps!


Diane's P.O.V

I woke up at around 5:00 AM and looked around. Everybody inside the Boar Hat were sleeping. I huffed as I noticed Meliodas' head on Elizabeth's lap, I then smirked. I can prank everybody to wake them up! I sat there and though for the funniest way to make everybody get up in a flash. As people can hear me from outside clearly, I thought of something hilarious. 

I prepared myself, and screamed.


I knew that they weren't being lazy, It was only very early anyway, but I couldn't stop laughing as everybody woke up in a second, scared as to what happened.

"Not funny, Diane!" I heard Meliodas say.

I looked in the window of the second floor, and I could see King awake too, he was the only one that was laughing along with me. 

"Give me a moment, I'm coming inside." I said, going behind the Boar Hat to shrink and change into my human sized clothes. A few moments later I walked inside, seeing Ban preparing breakfast. Hawk was already happily munching on his scraps, and the others sat at the tables.

I sat next to Elizabeth, who was seated next to Meliodas. "Hey!" I smiled, waving at her as she did the same.

Ban had finished making the breakfast, and It looked delicious like always.

Everybody started eating quietly as they were so concentrated on the food, I then realised King is probably lonely upstairs..

"Ban, did you make King breakfast?" I asked. He turned his head to me and smirked. "Oops."

I sighed as Ban forgot to make King something to eat. But just as Ban turned his head to start washing up some of the pans, everyone turned their head towards the stairs as the sound of footsteps got louder and louder. Suddenly, King appeared as if his injuries were nothing!

"Hey!" King greeted us and smiled at our jaw-dropped faces.

A half-a-minute long silence filled the air until Ban ran up to King and picked him up, giving King a hard noogie in the process, making him scream "OW!"

"Is that a way of greeting someone?" Gowther asked as he tried doing the same to Meliodas. I physically face-palmed and I am sure I saw Elizabeth do the same thing.

"So does that mean you are alright, King?" I asked. King looked at me and a tint of pink appeared on his face. "Yeah, I seemed to have healed a lot overnight.. It doesn't hurt anymore!" He flashed me a small smile and sat down at one of the spare tables.

King's P.O.V

I generally have no idea how I managed to heal so quickly, but I am not complaining. It was starting to get exteremely lonely being alone all the time upstairs. Everybody looked so shocked when they saw me all healed up and walking around.

After all the commotion about me, I sat down at one of the spare tables and thought about things. I then realised the spotlight has been on me for a while. I wasn't sure what to think of how i have been in the centre of attention, but at the moment it felt awkward being the only one on the table I am sitting on..

"Hey King, over here!" I heard a joyful voice shout towards me. I instantly knew the voice belonged to Diane. I felt my face go hot as I slowly walked over to Diane's table and sat down.

"Yo, King." Meliodas greeted me while doing something yet again to Elizabeth as she blushed heavily. I saw a glimpse of Diane's angry face over Meliodas' actions. Surely nothing has changed over the days I have been in bed, healing.

"So.." I began. "Have you been on any missions without me..?" I asked

"Nah, nothing has bothered us yet." Meliodas replied as I nodded.

No P.O.V

The day carried on as normal. Nothing happened and the sins just decided to stay at the Boar Hat and hang out. In the evening everybody decided to have yet another drunk party, preferably for King. Ban got the most drunk (of course) and passed out.

Chapter 6 my fellow watchers! 

Also, thanks to @gyro276 for being a good supporter to this story and voting for every chapter so far! (I read your King x Diane stories, they're really good!) (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Remember to help me out by leaving some suggestions for the next chapter, and maybe I will use them! :3 

Until next time, 


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