14- Broken

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I'm sorry for the long wait, things have been annoying lately, and school has been in the way of my works on wattpad,

The rest of this story can be quite cheesy, edgy or depressing. All things I like writing about in stories, so if you dont like things like that, I suggest you continue with caution xD

Anyway, enough blabbering. Carry on with the story!

King's P.O.V

"Please, let me go..!" I tried to speak as clearly as I could, my mouth being gagged by a cloth. I knew exactly why my people were going against me, I was a traitor, I left them on their own, without a fairy king.. But never in my mind I would've thought that they would go this far! 

One of the fairies tied my hands above me, on another huge branch attached to the tree. I was helpless. I struggled to break free, I felt like a puppy surrounded by huge dogs.

Before I could plead for help, 3 of the fairies began to repeatedly punch me, and thats when heavy rain began to pour down from the sky. 

"Let's just get this over with!" I heard someone shout, receiving nods from the others. I audibly gulped. I knew this would not be a great few minutes. 

Without warning, I was being hit, slapped, kicked, and more. Bruises appearing on my body. I could feel myself bleeding everywhere, every part of me hurt. Giggles and laughs erupted from the fairies as I could hear them planning something. 

Before my mind could process anything I could hear them say, I felt something sharp dig down into my chest. 

It was all over for me..

My body went numb. Am I dead yet? Darkness filled my vision, and the last thing I could feel was being picked up, and thrown into a river. Nobody was going to find me, I had one life and it was gone, forever.

Diane's P.O.V

I watched as King's body was thrown into the water, I have had enough at this point.. I screamed as loud as my vocal cords could work,


Everyone's eyes were on me, and I could see the fairies shocked faces. They all flew away in fear of being crushed to death by a giantess's foot. I quickly grabbed king before the river swept him away, but as my hand reached down to pick him up, a weird memory appeared in my mind..

(The next part is going to be a memory of Diane as a child, when she first met King/Harlequin.)

I walked out of my cave, it was a wonderful morning. The birds sang their tunes and the sky held clouds that were as fluffy as a flock of sheep. Everything was lonely, though. I never had a friend to play with. Maybe taking a trip to the river wouldn't be so bad? 

I skipped along the grass and to the river. The water was calm and swift, making it relaxing to look at. But something caught my attention.

Someone or something seemed to be laying in the river, face-down. I walked over to it and realised it was a person!

I quickly picked him up, and took him to my cave, preparing a meal and waiting patiently for him to awake.

(End of Diane's memory.)

My eyes widened in shock, as more and more memories flooded in. No.. this cant be.. Why did King make me forget? Why did he never tell me? Tears flooded down my face. King, or should I say Harlequin, was a childhood friend of mine. I saved him from drowning in a river and he looked after me whenever I felt lonely for years on end, until he had to leave me for his people. 

I had no clue how to react, but I couldn't just stand here and sulk. I ran as fast as I could back the sins. 

After all, I had to save the one that was there for me most.

WoohoO! Chapter 14, we are so far into the story, and we have yet much more to read!

Thank you all for your support on this story, I say this EVERY chapter but I truly mean it. Consider yourself my best friends!

Remember to vote, and comment! Anything is truly appreciated. 

Cya on chapter 15! WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO

💖💕Tellitubbybutthole 💕💖

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