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Taehyung gripped onto his bag tighter as he heard what Jungkook said. He could feel his heart breaking. He bit his lip trying to fight back any sobs that he knew would come out. He stood there, as he watched the man he loved, love someone else. He stood there and watched as Jungkook pulled her in close, and gave her a kiss. A kiss that lasted longer than it should have, a kiss that Taehyung could only dream of getting.

Jungkook didn't seem to notice the sudden change in the boys behavior, to busy sticking his tongue down his girlfriends throat.

She pulled away, blushing and shoved his face into his chest. He smiled fondly at the sight and looked up, to see Taehyung standing awkwardly, and were those... tears?

Taehyung turned his head to the side and wiped off any sign of his sadness, as he plastered on a fake smile for Jungkook and the girl next to him, he was used to it anyway.

"Tae, this is Yoora. She's my girlfriend." Jungkook stated proudly. He was fond of her, and in all honestly, he thought he was in love with her. They had a great relationship, she made him laugh and took care of him. He couldn't find a single reason as to why he shouldn't be happy with her.

Taehyung felt his throat close up, and all he wanted to do was run. Run far away, and scream into an empty feel. Run away from Jungkook, from the pain he was feeling. All he wanted to do was not be there in front of Jungkook as he saw the love in Jungkooks eyes for someone else, but yet, there he was, waving at someone who seemed to take his place.

"Hello, I'm Taehyung."

She smiled and waved back, her hands so beautifully small and decorated with rings. Taehyung looked at his own, and he never felt uglier.

"Hey, Taehyung! Nice to meet you."

"N-nice to meet you too. "

"Yah, I've missed you, do you want to go get some coffee?", she asked turning to Jungkook. He bit his lip, he did miss Yoora too, but how could he bail on Taehyung now?

Taehyung sensed the hesitation, and wasn't ready to be around Jungkook right then anyway. He wasn't going to stand in the way of a happy date between the perfect couple, "Sorry, Koo- Jungkook. I've gotta go. I'll see you later. Have fun!"

Jungkook frowned, only now realizing Taehyungs odd behavior. He wanted to run up to the boy, hold him in his arms and ask him what was wrong, ask him why he didn't call him Kookie. But before he could even think of doing something about it, he felt Yooras hand wrap around his as she walked with him to the coffee shop, humming to herself. Jungkooks mind left all thoughts as it fixed on Yoora, her smile and her beautiful eyes. But as much as he loved her, he couldn't help but wonder why someone else's beautiful eyes had tears pooling in them.

He sighed as he shook his head, trying to focus on the woman in front of him. He had missed her, after all.

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