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The next few days were exhausting for Taehyung. Being around Jungkook and having to pretend like everything was okay wasn't a fun thing to do. He sighed as he walked on the pavement, making his way home from work. He was tired, and Jungkook cams to visit him again that day, looking so perfect and so manly as usual, Taehyung couldn't help but fall deeper in love with him.

He was crossing an alley when he heard some moans and gasps. Assuming that someone was in trouble, he automatically rushed to help the person. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Jungkook pressed up against Yoora against the wall. He way Jungkooks back muscles moved as his hands roamed her body. They were making out, and they were so into each other, Taehyung felt his heart breaking. He couldn't do it anymore, couldn't watch Jungkook give his love to someone else.

He ran home, locking himself in his room as he cried to the walls, no one would care enough for him anyway. He grabbed his sketch book, as he started to draw what he felt. He began to express his feelings through his art, all the hurt and all the pain was being painted across the pages like it was no big deal. The tears didn't stop rolling down his face.

He laid back down on the bed, his thoughts taking over him. He closed his eyes as he spoke out his thoughts,

"Missing you comes in waves, and tonight, tonight I'm drowning."


Taehyung was at work again, making coffee again as he heard the door open. He turned to see Jungkook and Yoora walking in, hand in hand as they smiled and waved at Taehyung. That was the good thing about Taehyung, he was great at hiding his feelings. He took a deep breathe as he went to their table, "What would you like to order?"

"Yah, Tae! Why are you being so formal?", Jungkook questioned.

Taehyung just shrugged and repeated his question, causing Jungkook to furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

Taehyung didn't bother look at Jungkook, he was only looking at Yoora. At her long hair, and the way her fingers were so long and beautiful.

'I want her long, blonde hair. I want her magic touch. Yeah, cause maybe then, you'd want me just as much', Taehyung thought.

"Um, Tae?"
"S-sorry, what would you like?"

"Two coffees please!", Yoora said happily, showing her gorgeous smile to the world.

Taehyung nodded and walked back to the counter, leaving Jungkook to feel rejected as he didn't even spare him a glance.

He watched Yoora from behind the counter, the way she smiled and the way she made Jungkook smile, the way she sat, everything about her. He could smell her perfume from a distance, 'I want to drown myself, in a bottle of her perfume.'

He sighed as he made their coffees and placed them on the table. He stopped when he saw Jungkook lean over and peck her lips, he wondered how long god was going to hurt him. He was close to breaking down again, but couldn't. Not in front of Jungkook. He stared at his lips, wondering how it would be to kiss him.
His mind wandered to Yooras lips, 'I want to taste her lips, yeah, cause they taste like you.'

He was breaking every second he saw them together, but he couldn't help himself from staring at her. She was perfect, there was no doubt that Jungkook was in love with her. He only wished he was half as perfect, all he wanted was a chance. A chance to be her. To feel what she feels, to feel what Jungkook feels.

Jungkook caught Taehyung staring at Yoora two times so far, and now saw him staring at her lips. 'Is that why he got mad? Does he like... Yoora?', Jungkook thought. He got a little jealous, he had to admit.

His thoughts were interrupted when a handsome, tall man in a suit walked into the cafe, towards Taehyung. He looked buff and built, but not more than Jungkook.

"Hello," the man said once he reached the counter. Taehyung shifted his gaze from the couple on the table, too focused on Yoora to notice Jungkook staring right at him.

"H-hi, what can I do for you?" Taehyung said, suddenly stuttering because the man was so handsome.

"Um, I was wondering if I could get your number? You seem really nice and I would like to take you out on a date sometime." The man said, going right to the point. Jungkook was clenching his fists, and he could feel anger bubbling up inside him, although he wasn't sure why. He clenched his jaw as he saw Taehyungs flustered state.

He grabbed Yooras hand and walked towards the counter, glaring at Taehyung and then the man, "M. I. N. E."

He stated and walked away. Taehyung was scared, he had never seen Jungkook so mad. He found it kind of hot really, but he didn't want to make Jungkook mad. 'Stupid Taehyung, he saw you staring. Now he thinks you like Yoora!' Taehyung thought as he assumed Jungkook was talking about Yoora when he said she was his.

Jungkook walked out of the cafe, ready to explode. He clenched his fists tighter when he realized he wasn't sure if he was claiming Yoora, or Taehyung.

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