chapter 1; revelations

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I tug on my hair and groan in frustration. It's been three days and I feel like I don't even know what I'm doing. Running away was definitely the spur of the moment decision but I needed to find her. I had to.

She was my place of refuge. That house, it felt like a prison. If only I could break down the walls and be free but I couldn't so I left. What'd I have to lose? I just graduated with no clue what I want to do in life, my mum is depressed, my stupid brother hates me, my sister upped and went to Europe, and the love of my life left me. I have no one to help me, to care for me, to give me love.

Nothing. I have nothing to lose.

So that's why I need to find Laura. I know she feels just like I do so the fact she left doesn't add up. What did she mean I'd receive something better? Didn't she understand that she was all I needed? I recite the letter again in my head.

"I promise, if I can, I'll come back."

Maybe I shouldn't actually be looking for her because she's not lost. What if she did come back? I grab my wallet to see how much money I have left. 50 dollars. That's exactly how much I need for a train ticket back. But also enough to go to the next state over. Decisions, decisions. It's almost inevitable that she'll be in the next place but it's less possible then her being at home. I think i'll go home. If she loved me as much as she claimed, then she never would've have left. There's no point in fighting for a love that never existed.

I get in the next train home and by the time I get back it's almost midnight. I stand outside my home, slightly confused as to why the lights are still on. Mum's only ever up late if she has visitors. I've only been gone a few days. She couldn't have suddenly switched her life around. Depression is a hard mountain to climb.

Quickly, I grab the hidden key under the plant pot and unlock the door, desperate to find out what's happening. The hallway is dark but the light creeping from underneath the living room door gives me enough light to walk through. Slowly, I open the door and when I look inside I wish I never had.

"Ross? Is that really you?"

I blink a few times, feeling shocked. Nathan is slouched down on the sofa, a frown on his face and mum is sat next to a man I thought I'd never see again. This isn't possible. Suddenly, I taste something salty and realise that I'm crying. Mum rushes towards me but I push her away and wipe away my tears. I can't show him how affected I am by his presence.

"Is this some sick joke? I thought you were dead?" I scoff, feeling angry and confused. I don't understand.

"Honey, calm down. Please let him explain. He knows where Laura is." My mum soothes, grabbing my arm.

As soon as she says that I snatch my hand away. "What do you mean? Seriously, you can't say something like that. You don't know where she is. I don't believe you." I shout.

"Ross, she's not lying." Nathan mutters. I glare at him as he sits there so casually. I feel like I'm on a prank show and someone's about to jump out any minute with a camera crew. Everything spins so I sit down and put my head in my hands. There's too much happening at once. My dad's here and he's freaking alive. We went to the funeral. I saw his body. How is he alive? And then apparently he knows where Laura is. Maybe, he's not lying. Desperation is all I feel. I want to know where she is but how on earth does my dad know and how is he not six feet under and why does Nathan seem so cool about everything, and I'm just so confused.

"Son, just listen to me. I'll explain everything to you. I promise, and this time i'm not going to break it."

His voice catches me off guard and I just have to look at him. The hazel eyes mirror mine, and I actually feel sorry for him. I see regret, sorrow, love and for the first time in ten years I believe him.

so the first chapter is here!!!

it's short and a little bit like a filler but i wanted to get the ross situation like tied up because i want to mostly focus on raura's relationship and things they go through as they navigate relations with others

it will get more interesting?? i guess?as it goes on cause the plot will become more developed

anyways hope you enjoyed!:)

anyways hope you enjoyed!:)

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