chapter 2; face to face

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"How the hell could you do that? You asshole!" I lunge at Nathan, grabbing him by the collar.

After the initial shock of the news. Which was very shocking. I didn't even know something like this was possible at all. I can't wrap my mind around it. But now I've come to some terms with it, there's one thing I will never understand. I glare at Nathan and he cowers. All I see is red. Never will I forgive him for what he's done. My mind cannot even fathom how my own brother could've have done something like this. He knew that Laura would do anything for me. That manipulative backstabber. He's so lucky that Laura is alive otherwise he wouldn't even be breathing for another second more. God, I feel so enraged so I do what any responsible adult would do and punch him in his face.

"Ross!" My mum screams, pulling me away from Nathan's body that is now on the floor. I feel good.

I pant  as I sit back on the couch. Am I meant to feel happy? My dad's alive but what Nathan did makes me so mad. I trusted him.

"Ross, son, she's alive. So be happy. I'm alive as well." My dad mutters the last sentence as he looks at me with hopeful eyes.

I turn away. I don't think I'm ready yet to forgive him. If he tried to rebuild the broken bridge between us then maybe I'll try, even if it hurts, because despite everything he's done I know that I still love him deep down.

"I want to see her. I need to." I say after a few minutes.




I look up and frown.

"Why do you always look so upset when I come to see you? I'm trying, Laura." Oscar states.

I force out a smile but even a child could tell how fake it was. "I know but it's not easy. At least I'm talking to you." I mutter.

I really should explain. Well, there's not much to say other than my brother is apparently part of this weird science experiment and that's why he left the family when he was 18 and I was only 13. We were so close and he threw it all away. I tried calling him and contacting him but never did I receive a response. It really hurt especially when you had to watch your parents cry and not knowing how to help them. It took me time but I managed to get through but seeing him now brought all those emotions back. I'm trying, though. Really hard.

"Mum and dad want to meet you. They want to have an official family reunion. They keep asking questions."  My brother states, taking a seat on the end of my hospital bed.

I sigh. I've kept in contact with my parents to try and deter them from visiting me. They keep saying there's something not quite right, that is according to my mum's apparent motherly instinct. I guess she's not wrong but I can't tell them what happened. Firstly, I'm under oath to not let anyone know and secondly, do you really think they'll believe me anyway?

"Well, I clearly can't. They won't even let me leave this damn hospital." I mutter, feeling frustrated.

"Hey, no one forced you to do this. Terms and conditions were stated to you very clearly. You sh-

"Okay! I don't want you to criticise what I did. I just needed to. You wouldn't understand." I mutter, shutting my eyes. Yes, maybe it was naive of me to do at the time but I was the one who saw Ross slowly deteriorating in front of me, it was me who was there to see him break down. If anyone deserves to question what I did, it's only me.

"Yeah, I know Laura. But you shouldn't put your life on the line for some guy. His family is definitely messed up. The guy's brother basically tried to kill you. If I'd known it was you then I'd never let it happen." Oscar rants. He turns slightly red as he continues droning on about my stupid actions.

"You seriously cannot act like an overprotective brother on me now. You don't even know what Ross means to me. You don't know the extent of what that guy has done for me.  I'm alive and that's all that matters right now." I snap.

He wasn't wrong about his family though. I knew Nathan didn't really like me but it was only because when he asked me the first time I said no. I know I shouldn't feel guilty about it but I do. That's why I never told Ross that I knew the reason behind Nathan's hatred for me. I guess I didn't want to lose my life with Ross. It was the happiest I had ever felt but once I saw how his father's death affected him, my love for him was enough to change my mind. Deep down, even though he tried so hard to hide it, I knew he was miserable. Honestly, I was scared he'd do something that'd hurt everyone around.

"Okay, sorry. But you know I'll never forgive Nathan ever and I promise if we weren't colleagues I'd beat his ass."

His threat lingers in the air as we sit in silence. We'd had this conversation so many times over the last few days and it hurts me. I hate being reminded of Ross. I want to see him so badly but I don't think I ever will. Will he ever come back I wonder. In the letter, I said I'd come back so why did he leave? Was he over me that quickly. I thought he loved me. He made me feel like he did. I want to get out of this place and find him and ask him why. I don't think I could ever carry on living without any closure. I don't even know if he's met his dad yet. He couldn't have otherwise he'd wouldn't have ran away. But this confuses me even more because what other reason could it have been.

Someone touches my shoulder and I look up feeling startled. I see Oscar and he has an annoyed yet worried look on his face. "He's here."

"Uh, who?" I question. Oscar flicks his hand behind and I gasp. There's only one possible answer for how this is possible and it's because I'm dreaming.

"You're not dreaming." He chuckles and my heart definitely stopped for a split second. 

"Ross, I'm gonna kill you."


Aaaand done.

How's everyone? I'm dying inside if anyone's wondering. I need u guys to pray for me cause I'm getting my exam results on thursday and I'm def failing so yay for me 🙃

hope your all enjoying your holidays. See you guys in like another month probably byeee :)

 See you guys in like another month probably byeee :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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