All Alright (A SolKat Humanstuck Fanfiction)

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"Sollux get your sorry ass up" I said shaking the tall, lispy boy

"But KK I'm thleepy" He said curling up into a ball

I was tempted to just crawl into bed beside him but he made  a promise and as my boyfriend I expected him to keep it. My name is Karkat Vantas and I'm attempting to wake up Sollux Captor.

"You can sleep afterwards" I told him, sitting on the bed beside him. 

He put his long arms around m waist and pulled meloser 

"Don't even try this shit." I told him

"Try what?" He said, trying to keep from grinning. 

"Trying to be cute and shit. You made a promise" I tell him

He groaned loudly and sat up. "Tho could you get out? He asked, streching 

"You act like I've never seen you naked." I told him

He rolled his eyes but smiled "Pleathe" He asked

"For fucks sake Captor" I said walking out of his room and went to the living room flopping on the couch. 

A couple minuets later Sollux came out dressed in a soild black shirt, a yellow and black striped hoodie and beanie, black skinny jeans and the normal mix-matched shoes. Hiw love for bees was probably the cutests thing ever, actually it was. I smiled but quickly stopped when he looked at me. He picked up a pillow off the couch and threw it at me.

"What the fuck?" I yelled 

"You thtopped thmiling" He told me

"I wasn't smiling your just seeing things" I told him

"I hear thingth not thee thingth" He joked

"Sollux that's not funny" I said 

He shrugs "You've gotta make thomething good out of the bad" He told me 

I just glare at him. 

"Don't look at me like that." He said

"That's still not something I want you to joke about" I told him

He just sighed and said "Tho are we going thopping or not"

"Yeth" I said making fun of his lisp

He chuckled then held out his hand to me, I gladly took it. and we went to his car. 

"Tho where do we need two go firtht"  He asked as we got in a drove down the road.

"Probably the mall" I told him 

"Probably?" He asked looking at me for a second

"Don't be a fucking smart ass" I told him 

He grinned. I rolled my eyes at him  and look out the window watching things go by.

"KK....Kaaaaaykaaay" He said trying to get my attention 

"What the fuck do you want now?" I asked

"I love you" He told me 

I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. He chuckled. I leaned over and kissed his cheek. 

"I love you too asshole" I told him

A light blush dusted his cheeks. I chuckled to myself. He took one hand off the wheel and took my hand in his. This is what I loved about him so much, he could be a smartass and his bipolar episodes scared me half to death, but he was sweet and tries so hard to be romantic and though it never turns out as he plans it's always the greatest and reminds me of how much I love him. I love this boy with my whole heart and to be honest I have no idea what I would do without him. 

"KK" He told me

"Huh? Yeah what?" I said returning back to realility 

"Were here" He told me 

"Oh um, okay" I said getting out of the car. 

He took his hand in mine again. When we got in the mall we got the typical stares and whispers 'Are they gay?' 'That's not right.' Yadda, yadda same old shit. I've learned not to give a fuck let them stare at me but I know that I'm happy and they have nothing better to do then judge me, someone they don't know anything about. We made our way to Bedazzled to look at Tuxedo's but the manager rufused a gay couple so we choose to leave. Sollux rambled on to himself as we attempted to find somewhere else. I placed my hand on his shoulder, when we came to a stop sign, and he turned to look at me

"Sollux, it's fine. That guy is a fucking douche and we probabaly wouldn't find anything that fucking good there anyways" I told him. His expression quickly calmed greatly. He let out a sigh

"I'm jutht thick (sick) of all the athholeth around here. That'th the thecond time that'th happened. We might not actually go two the formal in tuxeth" He said 

"I don't really care what we go in as long as we go together" I said causing  him to smile softly. 

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