The Hybrid

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The tremor woke up everyone in the campground. Konohamaru and Moegi quickly went on the defense while checking on the kids. They quickly realize that Sarada and Shikadai were missing.

"What was that?" Inojin questions.

"Where's Sarada?" Mitsuki became fearful for her well-being.

"Where's Shikadai?" Chōchō asks the others.

"Everyone calm down." Moegi tries to make sure nobody panics. Konohamaru sees the gas from the ravine in the air then disappear.

"The tremor came from the ravine. I'm going to check it out. You three stays close behind me." The group went into the forest closely approaching the ravine. They spotted two Shinobi with gas masks having a conversation next to the ravine. Everyone hid in a bush and overhears their conversation.

"And that's the last of the Gas. I can finally get out of this dump."

"What about the kids that were spotted earlier?"

"I don't know. Probably rotting in the ravine."

"They haven't found the bodies? Maybe those traitors could have saved them in time."

"I hope not. Less trouble for us."

"I bet the Jonin is around here somewhere. There's no way the Hidden Leaf lets its kids run around freely after the attack."

"They are search parties all over the forest. They'll find them in no time. Hey, have you seen Aka?"

Chōchō was hiding behind a tree when a Hoshi Shinobi emerges from the trunk of the tree with Kunai in hand. He places his hand over her mouth and raises his Kunai. From the corner of his eye, Mitsuki sees the Shinobi and extended his arm, wrapping his arm around him and yanking the Shinobi out of the tree. He threw him at the open, the other two witness the scuffle and went into the defense. Konohamaru and Moegi appear behind them with Mitsuki, Chōchō, and Inojin surrounding the Shinobi who tried to ambush them.

"Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise."

"We are here on a mission, and we have the authority to pass through," Moegi explains to the Hoshi Shinobi trying to calm things down.

"We won't notify of any Konoha Shinobi visiting. Have you been informed Aka?"


"Then that means your trespassing. And our mission is to punish any trespassers."

"You dare draw blades with Konoha?" Konohamaru threatens.

"Hoshigakure couldn't care less about Konoha or its people."

"So you left my friends to die because you don't care?" Mitsuki was enraged at them yet it seems they didn't care.

"Welcome to the real world kid."

The Hoshi Ninja did a strange Hand Seals causing their Chakra to form of a feather-shaped array behind them. Aka's Chakra changes into to the form of a Dog and attacks the children. Seeing the Jonin lower their guard for a split-second the other Hoshi Ninja went for a strike but misses as Konohamaru and Moegi dodges the attack.

One of the Ninja extends their Chakra into a binding rope and wraps it around Moegi's ankles, launching her up in the air. The other flew into the air and tackled Moegi diving crashing in the nearby trees. On the ground Konohamaru clashes with the other Ninja engaging each other in Taijutsu.

Meanwhile, the kids were fighting Aka, Chōchō transformed into the Human Boulder form and clashes with the Chakra Dog. When Chōchō collided it cause the Chakra Dog to exploded on impact, the Chakra burns through her clothes and began seeping into her skin. Chōchō rolls back and reverts to her normal self.

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