The Board

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Everything hurts. She couldn't eat or sleep and often found herself looking down at the floor. Once more entering her deceased son's room, she broke down. It felt unfair. He was here, breathing and enjoying life. Now he's gone. Just like that.

She got to her knees, tired of everything. Why would this happen? What sort of deity would make this possible? Do they not care or simply don't exist?

So, for the first time in her life, Hinata prayed.

She called to whatever deity was listening to heed her plea. To give her answers on why her son had to die. Unknown to her, an entity is listening to the prayers.

Hinata feels a warmth brush behind her. The shinobi instincts kick in and stand up. But before anything else happens, her body goes numb. It felt like her nerves were on fire.

A voice in the back of her head made itself known. "You will do."

Information enters her mind. She knew what to do. Find this apprentice from the stars and convince her to help. And together she will have her vengeance.

Months later, Hinata stands atop a ruined village. A grand lion roared at a divine being above her. Vengeance is so close now.

She jumps towards the Horsemen, fists engulfed in flames. Uchū darts backward at incredible speeds. Hinata didn't bother swinging her flaming fists. The Horsemen prove to be too quick. Prismatic-colored strings wrap around her limbs, and with a mighty yank of his arm, Uchū brings Hinata towards him. He grabs her by the jaw, holding firm and cold. His stare is calculating and emotionless.

"I know you're strong, Princess. This is your body, meaning your control. Just focus and let your mind flow."

Uchū sees her eyes react with signs of recognition and awe. Heat flows from her body, eliminating that little piece of consciousness left. Uchū groans in disappointment. He raises his right metal hand and flicks at Hinata's forehead. Her body ragdolls downward when the lion catches her before hitting the earth below.

The Lion raises its flaming form, stalking its prey in the sky. The projection of Proxima floats behind Hinata, caressing her cheek. "Don't worry, young one. With my power, you will soon strike him down."

Uchū scoffs. "I will not play games." He snaps his fingers.

Space rips open, revealing the infinite inside. There is a roar, and then two gigantic spiders leap out and land in front of the Lion. One is made of flesh and stone, while the other is mechanical. They stood up, threads flowing freely as they stared at their prey.

Golden threads sprout from the portal, and thousands of spiders begin to pour out. All of them laughed and gleamed with joy. Using the golden threads, the spiders float to the sky and into the clouds, where they commence construction.

Proxima scoffs, yet she can't hide her admiration. "Those pests grew in number and power. It looks like I have to drag out my demons."

Her jaws dislocate and slowly form a mouth. Wider and wider her mouth goes. A loud screech that somehow sounds both high and low-pitched. Both tones go at the same time.

The cracks in the earth heat up. An orange glow emerges from them, the ground turning into lava. Devilish laughter begins to echo from the cracks, growing louder and more wicked.

Humanoid creatures pounce out of the lava cracks, landing on the surface. Their skin is red, with horns sprouting from their foreheads. Ears are sharp and long. Skimping clothing fashion with collars and chains decorated all over. The amount of revealing and collars depended from demon to demon.

Creatures once thought to be myths had revealed themselves. The Succubus. Climbing up, they find prey. They stare at humanity like a cat observing a bird. Licking their lips and giggling playfully.

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