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Annie's POV

The pavement was the last thing I saw.

When I woke up I saw Stephanie holding a glass water and that disgusting man peering over her shoulder. A repulsive shudder passed through my body. I was wishing this nightmare to end. But wishes never come true. My trance was broken by Stephanie's voice "Hey Annie", I could just blink back. I didn't want to ask her any questions, dreading the answers.

"Hey Annie", Stephanie shrieked again.

"Hey, you going for some costume party, huh", I said gingerly, willing myself to steel up for the response, but wishing that it was truly just a getup for some weird costume party.

"NOOOOO, Annie is really in funny Sheet", she said to the disgusting guy.

Who names their kids SHEET, what next paper. He laughed showing half rotten teeth. What did she see in him.

"Annie meet my husband Cosby McDowell, also known as Sheet. He is a singer at Corner Pub and has signed a record deal. We are moving to Hollywood", Stephanie screamed the last part. 

He is an aging, fading singer. I can smell rats on him. I'm sure there is no record deal, he just told her that to impress her. My baby sister married this monster. What am I gonna do. Calm down. Calm down. Taking a few deep breaths, I steadied myself.

"First of all, get out of that ridiculous excuse of dress. You are barely legal, you turned 18 just a few weeks back. He is old enough to be our father. He is reeking of stale alcohol and what not. He looks like he has never seen the face of toothbrush. No Stephanie Cox you are not married to him. We are annulling this marriage. You will graduate this year, go to college and build a future and a career. Not turn into this train wreck." I try to be as calm as possible.

"I'm not barely legal, I'm legal. He is my husband and I want you to respect him. We are anyways leaving the town to chase the sunset, just hand me down my inheritance." Stephanie said while twirling her golden hair and winking her green eyes at that disgusting piece of Sheet.

"What? What inheritance", 

"This house. Give me half the market price and keep the house for yourself. If you want I can sign the sole ownership to you", she explained like I was a toddler.

I slowly grasped why this man had trapped my sister. He thinks she owns this house and has money. Well he is going to be surprised.

"Well, then I have a news. This house was passed down by some lady who was related to my DAD. Yes my DAD. You and I share a mother but not father. Cox is Mom's name not Dad's. So this house is my inheritance, not yours. You can get out of here and take this piece of SHEEEEET with you. Come back in some normal clothes and pick your stuff and leave. Right now you are standing on a private property, my property. I want you off it right this moment", I said opening the door to effect.

Thankfully they left without a word. I was hoping getting this new information will break them up and she will be back. Even if they go and check the city records, they will find that I was telling the truth.

Hoping to see Stephanie back to her senses by the evening, and to never seeing that filthy man again, ever again. I went to sleep with a throbbing headache.

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