Aunt May?

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~Peter's POV~

"What the fuck?!" Turning around, I see my Aunt May in the doorway, staring at me in shock and terror.

"It's not what it looks like!!" I said, panicking.

"Y-you're Spiderman... Oh my God..." She mumbled, running a hand through her hair. "How?" I explained the entire story to her, how I was bit by a radioactive spider at Oscorp on a school field trip. She understood, now knowing what I can do.

"You can keep being Spiderman, but you have to come home at eight every night, understand?" She said, sighing. I nodded vigorously. "Wait, one question. Is this your Stark internship?"


"Then what we're you doing in Germany?"

"Well, that's kind of hard to explain."

"Try me." I gave her the whole story, me stealing Captain America's sheild, but him punching me really hard for doing it. "Thank you." She said suddenly.

"For what?"

"For being honest with me." I smiled then leaned forward for a hug.

~Time Skip, 3 months later~

Since fighting the Avengers in Germany, things got better. Steve and Tony (he insisted of having me call him that instead of Mr. Stark) actually started dating, telling each other their feelings towards one another, and I've been going over to the Avengers tower to work with Natasha and Tony every weekend for training my spider powers. It's actually pretty fun. I even have my own room there.

Swinging through the streets, my spider senses suddenly went haywire. Looking around on top of a tall building, I spotted a bunch of smoke. Quickly swinging towards it, I realized that it was the apartment building that I lived in.

"Oh no..." I whispered. Suddenly the fire department showed up, and immidiatly started running inside and  trying to contain the fire. Running in as well, I swung myself up to my floor, and burst through the door, calling for Aunt May. Swing her huddled in the corner, breathing heavily, I picked her up and jumped out the window, putting her on a stretcher to take her to the hospital by the paramedics. Running back inside, I started to call for more people, and finding none, I ran back outside.

"Thanks for your help Spiderman, we got it from here." One of the firemen said.

"No problem, just doing my job." I said, swinging away. Quickly I made it to the alley that my backpack and clothes were in, and changed back into my normal clothes. Swinging as fast as I could to the hospital, I ran inside.

"Hi, my name is Peter Parker, and I'm looking for May Parker. She's my aunt." I said quickly. Widening her eyes, the nurse respoded,

"I'm sorry, but she passed away in the ambulance." Suddwnly, everything started spinning. Somehow I found a chair and sat down, putting my face in my hands as I silently cried. After a few minutes, but what seemed think hours to me, I looked up and saw that the nurse had sat back down at the front desk and was giving he looks of pity. Mustering up enough strength to stand up, I asked,

"Can I go see her?"

"Of course," The nurse replied, nodding her head. She lead me to the elevator saying "room number 313." and giving me a visitors pass. Waiting in the elevator was the longest wait of my life. The music was so annoying. As the doors opened, I ran down he hallway looking for room 313. Finding it, I slowly walked in, seeing Aunt May on the hospital bed, eyes closed, not moving, not breathing. My breath hitched as a lump formed on my throat, trying to hold back tears. It didn't work so well. Next thing I knew I was sitti NV on a chair, bawling. A nurse, hearing the noise, came in.

"Are you alright?" She asked. I shook my head, indicating no. "Do you have anybody you can call to come pick you up?" I thought about it for a minute. I have to go to Avengers Tower tonight anyway. I nodded my head as I reached for my phone, letting Tony know that I was on my way.

I stood up, saying and goodbye to the nurse in Aunt Mats room, and made my way to the first floor. I walked up to the front desk, and told the nurse that I'll be back, I just need some time. She understood. I walked out, heading towards Avengers Tower with tears streaming down my cheeks. Drying them before I walked in, I pushed the button in the elevator for Avengers Floor. When the door opened, it revealedrevealed Tony, Natasha, and Steve, all sitting on the couch.

"H-hey guys." I stuttered, on the verge of tears again.

"Peter, what's wrong?" Natasha asked, worry laced in her voice.

"N-nothing! Nothing." I replied.

"Oh really? Then why are you crying?" I put my hand to my face, feeling tears that I didn't even know were there. I glanced over to the TV, and saw a report on the fire in my building.

"Do you see that apartment complex on the TV? The one that got burned down? That's my apartment building. My Aunt was in there. I got her out, b-but she d-died in the ambulance. I didn't even get to say g-goodbye." I choked out, fresh tears rolling down my face. Saying nothing, Natasha walked over to my, and wrapped me in a hug. I gladly returned it. Soon enough, Tony and Steve joined the hug too.

"Go to sleep, and we'll go to the hospital to see May in the morning." Tony said. I nodded, and Tony wrapped me in another hug. "It's all going to be okay. We'll talk more in the morning on what you're going to do." I nodded, and made my way into my room, quickly changing into some pajamas, and laid down in bed.

What does Tony mean when he said "We'll talk more in the morning on what you're going to do"? Is he going to send me to an orphanage? Are they going to let me live here? I really hope they let me live here. I do NOT want to go to an orphanage. I thought as I lay in bed, my body wanting sleep. Finally I gave in and fell alseep.

~Time Skip, the next morning~

I woke up, feeling slightly rejuvenated. Walking out of my room showered and in my regular clothes, I made my way to the kitchen, to look for something to eat. I turned the corner, and stopped in my tracks.

"That the..." I mumbled. The whole team was here! Tony, Steve, Natasha, Clint, Thor, Loki, Bruce, Wanda, Pietro, Vision, Bucky, Sam, Scott, and Rhodey were all sitting at a table. The only one that wasn't there was King T'challa, as he was in Wakanda. There was an empty seat next to Tony, so I quickly sat down. Loudly, Tiny cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention. Once it was quiet, he said,

"As you all know, as of yesterday, Peter's apartment building was burnt down, and his Aunt died in the fire. So, Steve and I have made a decision." Turning to me, I got a bit worried, but I was also curious. "Peter, would you like to live here?" I was shocked. Not saying anything for a few minutes, Steve said,

"Peter...?" Wondering what I was thinking. Quickly, I tackled them into a hug.

"Thank you so much." I whispered.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading my story. This is my first Avengers fanfic. Since this is only the fist chapter, I'm not entirely sure what my updating schedule will be, but stay tuned for that.


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