Chapter || 1

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One Red Petal, One Young Leaf

The scent of the perfumes, which were placed on the shelves, were overpowering for the customers. Maybe they had sensitivity for scents. But for Ken, he was use to these scents, it didn't really bother him.

He stood there, behind the counter; on the phone.
Autumn was coming, meaning he'd have to make new rich and deep scented perfumes. It wasn't a hastle to make them, it was moreso tiring.

A customer came in. Smiling at Ken.

"Good evening." Ken bowed.

"Good evening, I heard that the new stock has arrived." Hakyeon said.

"Oh yes, it has," Ken smiled sweetly. Inhaling Hakyeon's warm scent.

"Follow me." Ken escorts Hakyeon into a secluded room. Only a table and a chair were placed at the corner. The red curtains swayed with the wind.

The white room definitely didn't smelled like any of the perfumes Ken made. Rather, it smelled musky.

"I'll be back with the stock." Ken says as he bows lightly and stepped out of the door.

Hakyeon made his way to the large window, standing there.

The city looked beautiful at night. Artificial lights shining from here and there, cars racing, stars blooming.

Hakyeon had always loved the sky. The way that it turns from a elegant light blue into a fierce navy was something he enjoyed the most. Not to mention clouds turning into stars.

The wind smelled fresh, not musky anymore. He liked scents. He has tried everything. Perfumes, itar, colonge, perfume oils. You name it.

He has tried every single perfume brand in the world too. But they weren't as good as Ken's. He captured moments in his scents. He captured time and feelings.

Ken had he's own scent, something Hakyeon has never smelled before. He smelled clean and classy, not too strong and not too light. Ken has never used perfume on himself. Only if he had to test them, he likes to stay true to the scent he was naturally premated with and Hakyeon liked that. He liked the boy's scent oh so much.

Hakyeon heard the door creek open. He turned around to see Ken holding a small, deep red glassed bottle with a golden, diamond like stopper. Clear liquid inside.

He placed the object on the table. And stood there with his hands at the back.

"How much worth is it?" He asked.

"Around 2.5 million won."

"Well, fair enough." Hakyeon said as he looked up to see Ken's face. He smiled, slightly.

"Wanna try it with me?" Said the eldest.

"No, thank you." Ken declined, softly.

"I always do it myself." Hakyeon mumbles.

"Sorry, but I think you forgot that I have to run my store," Ken sighs.

"I don't want to go around with such heavy scent on me."

"You can close early today." Hakyeon tries to sway him.

"No Hakyeon, an important customer is soon to arrive."

"More important than me?"

Ken bit his bottom lip. Hakyeon was more important than anyone. More than himself. However, the customer was like the deal breaker.

"Sadly." He says. Yeon sighs.

"I'm sorry."

"Its fine, I'll get going." Says Hakyeon.

Ken followed him back into the shop entrance.

"In return." Hakyeon speaks while pushing his hair back.

"You'll make a special fragrance for me." He orders. The perfumer nods, assuring his master.

He opened the car door for him.
Hakyeon shoved himself in the vehicle and drove away. Leaving Ken alone.

He stepped back into his shop. Behind his counter. He dialed a number on his candlestick phone.

"Hello?" Spoke a rich voiced boy.

"Hyuk, it's me hyung."
Ken touches the head of the phone.

"Hyung, I told you not to call me with that vintage weird dildo looking thing. We live in the 21st century, you have your mobile phone too."

"Shut up, Hyuk." Ken rolls his eyes.

"Are you with master?" The hyung asks.


"Don't do anything funny okay? I'm trusting you."

"Don't worry, hyung. You can trust me."

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