03| Sixth Sense

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"June, can you pass me the glass?" Bethany questioned as she laid on her stomach on the raven haired girl's bed, painting her nails with lavender-colored nail polish. Meanwhile, Juniper was checking her phone as Cece straightened out her friend's hair. The raven haired girl carefully pushed the glass of red wine with her toes, trying to make it reachable for the brunette. Fortunately, the Fey girl successfully took the glass without spilling any of the red liquid onto the expensive carpet in Juni's room.

"You know, I heard that Roman threw a party a few days ago. Must've been fun." Beth mumbled into the glass, even though she knew that her comment would end with both of her friends glaring. There was a golden rule that both Cece and Bethany knew, and that was not to get involved with the Godfrey heir. Juniper always warned them about how he plays around with girls and hurts their feelings, even if she never experienced those things herself. But, a deal is a deal. The raven haired girl's friends knew how much she loathed Roman, making them feel semi-hatred towards the boy too. Or so it seemed.

"Yeah? And who were the guests? His imaginary friends?" June scoffed as she entered one of her social media apps, trying to see if the blond boy actually did have a party. Turns out, he did. Most of the people she followed had pictures of them at the Godfrey mansion. One of the girls from her school, Bianca, took a picture of the one and only, Roman Godfrey. In the picture he was standing up, holding a bottle of bourbon, surrounding himself with the people he invited. Juniper had to admit, he looked very handsome in the picture. Scratch that, Roman looked very handsome all the time, but his looks couldn't cover up his cold heart.

"Well, damn, he looks like a prince." Cece smirked as she looked down at her friend's phone, already expecting an eye roll from the raven haired girl.

"Okay, I know how much you hate Roman, but can we just agree that he has the face of a Greek god?" Bethany exclaimed as she finished painting her nails, carefully rolling to the edge of the bed to get closer to her friends.

"Oh, for fuck's sake." June groaned after taking a huge sip of wine.

"Don't be snappy, baby," The Fey girl pouted, staring at her friends with her honey brown doll-like eyes,
"You know I love you."

"Love you too." June cooed, sending her an air kiss. It was probably meaningless at the time. The three girls were always aware of their strong bond, so saying the special three words was something they did during the simplest situations. It never actually occurred to the Young girl how precious their friendship was. She always thought the three of them would become old together and reminisce the old high school days. Oh, just how wrong she was...

The memory was stuck in Juniper's mind like a broken cassette, replaying itself at any mere thought of Beth, who didn't survive whatever the hell happened to her at night.

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