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'There an interesting book here.
A scouting journal left by a soldier. It's passed through many hands on its journey to where it is now.
What kind of soldier the author was...
Why they did what they did...
Those details are lost. Another victim of the turbulent past. But for the sake of argument let's call this soldier "Our friend"

The journal weaves the tale of this nameless soldier life in battle.'

'That day..humanity remember....the fear of their rule...the humiliation of being trapped in a bird cage... '

A child ran frantically through the streets that had been filled with civil saints screaming in terror as the giant Titans slowly entered Wall Maria.
They got pushed aside and fell to the floor.
"Oh I'm glad your alright!" a woman said running to he child. Her mother...
"Are you hurt? We have to get out of here quickly!" A man said standing next to the woman. Her father.

They grabbed the child by her hand and dragged her along towards the escape vessel. That rested only a few minutes away. But sadly. They would never make it. The wall behind them was blasted to debri and The mother pushed the child away from them. That was the last time she ever saw her parents. Because in a second, they were crushed by a large boulder.

The child just stared at the debri that had robbed her of her parents.
"Can you stand up?" A voice suddenly called to her. She turned and saw a young man holding his hand out too her. His uniform suggested he was a soldier. "Run to the boat!" He took her hand and confide to run with her towards the only remaining boat. She looked behind her for a brief moment.
That's when she saw it...the monster that had taken her parents away from her. A 15m titan with white hair and covered in armour looking plates


The child sat in the boat. She didn't know how to feel. Everything she had cared about was gone...her home...her friends...her family. All taken away by that monster...the Armoured titan

She gripped the journal on her small hands close to her chest. The soldier who had recused her had given it to her as a way to remember him. But she figured that he only gave it too her because he felt responsible for failing to her parents. No matter the reason, she had given her the journal and even taught her how to write a bit. Before he had to leave.

"I'll kill them!" She turned to her right. A young boy was looking over the side of the boat. Back st the destroyed town. He couldn't have been more than a few months older than her. But his anger...
"There won't be a single Titan left in the world once I'm through with you!" The boy screamed over the boats edge.
The words the boy spoke lit a spark inside the child. His worlds held truth. And she was going to personally kill the Armoured Titan. Even if she does trying...

That was her her her friends.

She clenched her fist tightly after a teardrop fell in her palm.
"To myself...." she spoke with a quiet voice.

Don't worry. This is just the prologue. Future chapters will be longer)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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Attack on titan: Journal of a soldierWhere stories live. Discover now