Of Love Themes & Cressent Birthmark...

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Wattpad keeps on messing up my editing so I'm just trying stuffs. Please ignore it aha ^^'  I'll probably split this part in the end and try to see the result i get from it T.T

A/N: Hello~

So, I should be working on my main fic but this happened. I have no regrets though ahaha. Now, this is a mess but it's my take on the abo dynamic and I like it. So I hope you'll like it too and find it interesting. Also, there's a heat scene in this part, but there's no smut in it, so don't freak out when you see it mentionned ahah (I did portray them as your typical teenagers though, so expect dick jokes, swearings, embarrassing mmts, ect.~). Basically, this is two idots falling in love.

Part two is coming soon, and hopefully you'll like it! So, without further ado, enjoy~

-- (Crossposted on ao3)

'They are driving me crazy man!'

Donghyuck hummed and raised a brow at his best friend's whine, as he leaned against the railing of their school's rooftop, the sun setting and casting pinkish and orange hues in the sky.

He was used to that, these rants about Noren driving Jaemin and his impossible crush on them crazy. Every time their mated friends would give Jaemin attention or show a form of care, his best friend would get mixed signals. And Donghyuck could see why, perfectly well. It was odd for him too, to see a mated pair act the way they act toward Jaemin – all flirty and caring, almost as if he was part of their mated bond – it was very unusual. And Donghyuck kind of pitied Jaemin for that, because if he was in his spot he would probably cry every nights out of frustration.

'You need to let it go Jaem. It's- this crush is not healthy for you.' he sighed, worriedly eyeing his best friend's slumped form. Seeing that, he wrapped an arm around his shoulder and brought him closer, Jaemin burying himself into his neck and breathing in his scent. His scent had always comforted him.

He kind of felt bad for saying that, but Jaemin really needed to move on. Having two mates wasn't unheard of, it happened more often than one may think. But Haechan didn't want to give false hopes to Jaemin or encourage his crush if all there was in the end was Noren flirting with Jaemin only because they found him cute. He sincerely hoped that they love Jaemin, and that they would confess soon. But for now, since nothing was sure, Jaemin needed to let it go a bit and see other things. He cared for Jaemin more than anything in this world, so while Noren decide what they're gonna do with the matter at hand, Haechan would protect Jaemin and his feelings.

'I know I have to... but it's hard Hyuck. I've been hopelessly crushing on Jeno since I was 10 and on Renjun since I was... what? 14? It hurts so much man, today was the final straw.' he groaned, sniffing angrily and wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. Donghyuck looked down at his caramel mop of hair and smiled bitterly, gently brushing his friend's back.

Today had indeed been the final straw.

The three of them – Renjun, Jaemin and him – had been eating lunch at their usual table, chatting and bickering happily when Jeno had came up to see his mate. Now, that's nothing unusual, and Jaemin had had plenty of time to get use to their lovely display of affection, so all was fine.

Well, all could have been if he wasn't already bothered by Renjun's strange display of affection since the morning.

Now, Renjun had always been affectionate with Jaemin, hugging and clinging to his arm on a daily basis, even kissing his cheeks sometimes – see the beginning of the mixed signals here? – but today? It was brought on a whole new level, that even Hyuck had felt uncomfortable for Jaemin. Renjun had been holding his hands, fingers' intertwined and thumb rubbing included, and giving him love struck eyes all fucking morning long. Jaemin was good at pretending and keeping a pokerface and controlling his heartbeat rate, Donghyuck could grant him that, but he knew that deep down the beta was close to the mental breakdown.

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