Music To My Ears (smut)

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Songs Used: I can't help falling in love with you, Thousand Years by Christiana Perry, S&M by Rihanna, Count On Me by Bruno Mars

Gumballs P.O.V.

"So you will?....Great! Thank you Marshall I really appreciate it...goodbye!"

I hung up the phone setting it on the dresser as I slipped on my velvette vest along with my brown dress shoes. Once overing myself in the mirror then I headed down to the ballroom making sure the guests were having a good time. And as I assumed everyone was getting along splendedly. Some were admiring the buetiful cake at the sweets table and some were crowded around the stage waiting patiently for my next announcement as I stepped out towards the microphone. I tapped on the top making sure it was on before I began speaking.

"Good afternoon everyone and thank you all for attending the marriage ceremony of Fionna and Flame Prince!"

I let everyone finish their cheering and clapping before continuing.

"As you all may know by now we are having a slight delay on the music since our original singer wasn't able to attend. Not to worry my friends! Our new musician is on the way but until then please enjoy the snacks put out in the bakery hall."

I stepped off the stage greeting a couple of candy citizens for quick handshakes and hugs before walking outside for a breather. Not that I don't love the party but it can get kinda claustrophobic after a while. I headed down the sidewalk watching as the rest of the citizens were making there way towards the entrance. I stopped at the first tree I ran across, it just happened to be the only tree still in pink blooms during fall which fell in beautiful pink petals, then sat down there looking up at the sky. The stars were so buetiful tonight; filling the sky with hundreds of mesmerizing constilations. Of course if someone was here in my company I would list them all off from heart spending most of my nightly free time gazing at the natures night lights. Speaking of company, I could hear the faint sound of a guitar playing as singing went along with the beat. The sound got louder as it got closer and I immediately recognized who it was.


He emerged from the darkness chuckling slightly as he continued strumming his guitar. I gawked at his attire. He was dressed in a black tuxedo with a red tie and a matching red dress shirt underneathe. His hair was naturally messy but anyone could tell he still tended too it. I bit my lip as he continued singing; now hovering in front of me.

"I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years, I'd love you for a thousand more...and all along I believed I would find you-"

My cheeks were flushed a dark red by now. I hated how my heart would ache whenever he would sing to me. I didn't want him to see me like this or he'd make fun of me for the rest of the night or forever. I looked away pressing a finger to his lips shushing him.

"Y-you should save your voice for the wedding Marshall. We should hurry I told my guests we wouldn't be long."

He chuckled again extending his hand out to me. I hesitated before letting him pull me up. I could tell he pulled to hard on purpose causing me to stumble into his well built chest. Unfortunately his, obviously fitted, suit showed that off all too well.

"Admit it. You love my company. I bet you wanna get away and go on long walks through the deep dark forest with-"

I growled shoving him away only making him tumble back slightly. I crossed my arms over my chest giving him a glare.

"Marshall Lee! How dare you say such things. You're wasting time, were already late. Fiona is gonna be pissed if we don't get back."

He licked his lips snaking an arm around my waist. Quickly he began walking us to the ballroom. Glob why can't I keep my princely posture around him. The problem is I WOULD LOVE getting away from my duties to laugh and sing with Marshall all night, but of course I'd never admit that aloud. I huffed in anoyance avoiding any eye contact with him. I should be used to it by now though. Whenever we were together he has always been somewhat flirtatious. I was flattered at first but now it's annoying. Especially since he's been going 'next level' with things. Like he would randomly whisper inappropriate things to me in front of everyone like it was casual to him. Or how he would wrap himself around me, like right now, and stay there even when I try to push him away. There was no stopping him with his vampire strength and it was to embarrassing for me to complain to anyone. Especially not Fiona; she would never let me hear the end of it. The good thing is he never took it too far but even I trusted him to not do anything unconsented from me. Like kissing or...well you know. He wasn't a bad guy, actually the exact opposite, just had a strange personality and a misunderstood child hood. Nobody really takes the time to understand him and how wonderful he truly is. Finally making our way towards the doors he opened it for me, like a gentleman, and I gladly walked through slipping out of his gentle grip. The crowd turned their heads toward us and immediately burst into cheers and claps. Marshall gave them a toothy grin bowing to the crowd. Usually the candy citizens would cower away and call the guards at his sight but whenever he came to sing at any of my parties everyone adored him. I couldn't blame them, he had the voice of an angel to simply put it.

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