That first ball

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He finished buttoning his dress shirt while staring at the invitation. One year since the battle and they were having a remembrance ball.

How he got an invitation he'll never know. After slipping on his dress robes he sulked downstairs to his floo. Moving out of his parents home was the best decision he ever made. After he yelled his destination and landed he was greeted by the kind new head mistress and Harry.

"Professor Mcgonagall, Harry." He greeted them and the old professor smiled at him.

"I invited you, Draco." Harry said without any small talk. "It's important to put past grievances behind us so that everyone can heal. Teddy deserves that don't you think?"

Draco nodded slightly and shook the boy who lived hand. The music filled the room and others arrived. Dirty looks and whispers followed by cold shoulders greeted him with every arrival.

Then she arrived, her bushy hair tamed into a low bun. A well fitting maroon gown making her look less like a book worm and more like a princess. She walked over to him with hatred in her eyes and he stared at the floor praying for it to open up and swallow him whole.

Before she could open her mouth Harry appeared at her side hand on her shoulder.

"Mione remember what we talked about." She glared at Harry then at him.

"Harry thinks you're remorseful for everything you've done. I'm not convinced." Her word stung like daggers and he swallowed loudly.

"You are entitled to think whatever you want Miss Granger." She sneered at his response and began to walk off.

"I do wish you would give me an opportunity to change your mind." His voice was soft and lacking its usual snark. She stop and turned with an incredulous look on her face.

"Why in Merlin's name would I do that ferret, I owe you nothing." Her voice was laced with enough venom to kill a person.

"True, I do not deserve a second of your time.There is nothing I could say or do to ever erase everything I have done to you. From the day you met me I have been a cruel selfish child. You never deserve that." He noticed he had her attention so he quickly continued before she changed her mind.

"Miss Granger you have always been more intelligent, more talented then me. That made me so angry and I lashed out like the immature prat I was. Up to that point in my life I was always the best. You challenged me and I reacted poorly."  He could hear how pathetic he sounded but he couldn't bring himself to care.

A small smile teased the corner of her mouth.That made him smile himself. With a deep breath he took a step closer to her and she didn't back away. Harry had left them to greet other guest.

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