💙Chapter 1💙

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I want to live a normal life. Everything about me is normal except one thing. And because of that one thing I have to transfer schools due to bullying. That one thing is partially my fault that I was bullied for it. The thing is I'm gay and I came out to my friend who decided to out me to other people. This soon reached to the infamous bullies at our school who'd scribble faggot on my locker, pour jugs of glitter on top of me in the shower after swim, and... there was another incident at a party where they almost hurt me in an- uh... inappropriate manner - but now I get to start over at a new school: Roosevelt High. This time I won't come out unless I can really trust someone. Hopefully I meet better people and there isn't a big bullying problem like my last school.

I grab my bag and drive to Starbucks to grab an iced coffee. I'm a bitch for my coffee really - if I don't have any in the morning I literally pass out during class. I can see three girls walking alone to school, acting carefree and laughing hard at whatever it is they're talking about. That's the kind of friendship I want. I never been able to laugh so hard like them at anything.

I pull up to the school and walk to administration for my information. I find my locker and leave some books and my coat inside. One of the girls I saw from the street walks to the locker beside mine and glances at me. When I look closer, I realize she's not a girl but a boy. His fudge-brown hair ends to the center of his neck, his red-brown eyes are hidden behind feminine glasses, and his hands are thin like a girl's but up close I can tell he's not a girl.

"You're new aren't you?" He glances at me and smiles, revealing a small, Melanie Martinez-like gap in his teeth.

I nod and smile, holding out my hand. "Leonardo Hamato."

He shakes my hand loosely but friendlily. "Donatello Yoshi, But everyone just calls me Donnie."

"I go by Leo - Leonardo just sounds too formal in my opinion." I close my locker.

"For me, it's cause people aren't sure if I'm a girl or a boy and I find it very entertaining to just let them guess away." Donnie laughs slightly and closes his locker too after putting his things away. "What's your schedule? I can show you around before class if you want."

"Oh, yes please," I show him my classes and he grins.

"I have home room with you and I can walk you to second hour afterwards."

He leads me around the school and shows me where all my classes are, informing me which teachers are good, evil, funny, boring, or perverted. Fortunately, he assures me most of my teachers are only good or boring. But unfortunately I figure out who the assholes of the school are.

"Hey, tranny granny, nice turtle neck - hope you don't choke on it."

"You're not really rocking whatever the hell you're wearing, you look like you got buttfucked by a frat boy's step dad." Donnie rolls his eyes.

I glance back at the guy then up at Donnie. "Tranny granny?" I raise a brow.

Donnie shakes his head and looks up at the ceiling. "I love sweaters and sometimes I wear sweater vests and he thinks they make me look like a granny. He's not even a challenge anymore, he's losing his talent in insults." He chuckles.

"What's his name?"

"The kid calling me tranny is Oraku Saki and his weak twat of a friend is Kraig."

I let out a small laugh and walk to homeroom with him. Instead of working on homework like he says he usually does, he takes the time to explain who I should avoid and who are good people.

"Mikey is really irritating so just try not to talk too much to him. His locker is a couple away from mine and he always tries hitting on me. He's probably the only person that is 1000% convinced I'm a chick while everyone else knows or is just confused." Donnie laughs.

Love, Leonardo [TMNT (human) Fanfic rendition of Love, Simon]Where stories live. Discover now