Chapter two

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Of course Liam had turned away and walked back to his front yard when he saw that someone had thrown a chair and it had broken his favitoute garden gnome. Liam tried to ignore the damage done to Pascal- of course he would name him- and turned to find empty drink bottles cluttering his front lawn, demolishing the pretty little flowers his mum had planted when he wasn't feeling very well and told him to look after. That was the last straw, breaking Pascal was one thing but ruining his mother's hard work was another so Liam launched himself back to Zayn's front door and hammered his fist against the door, it did hurt but he didn't care, he was just so pissed off.

A beautiful blonde girl opened the door with a huge smile plastered over her face, showing the lipstick that had rubbed off onto her teeth, this is why luam preferred not to date, girls were just over rated.

"Who are you?" the girl's voice was suffocating, it was a agonizing high pitch that made Liam wince in disdain.

"I wanna talk to Zayn, now please" he added please because his mum had taught him manners especially regarding women so he tried his hardest to to get angry with the girl.

"Zayn?" the girl watched Liam with her eyebrows arched and pointed at Liam's body.

"Aren't you a little too geeky for Zayn to be friends with you?" she spoke again in the seriously annoying tone and Liam clenched his hands to stop himself from strangling her.

"Please move outta my way" Liam said a little belatedly while shoving past her and into the house. Liam avoided the big crowd of people who watched him and some people even giggled making Liam self conscious. He knew he wasn't the attractive kind, hell he had a mirror he knew how bad he looked but this wast nice. Liam shoved past a couple who were making out against a -plant? He shook his head and marched over to another room, the house wasliterally the same design as Liam's. He stood in the doorway once he noted that Zayn was standing there with people crowding hime several girls hanging over his every word as some guy put a cake on the table.

"So, Imma make this quick, none of the mushy stuff.Zayn you're getting old, only twenty four and you look like that? Please, could you get any uglier? So let's celebrate another year where Malik hasn't caused problems and I'm sure he's gonna be getting lucky tonight so, let's celebrate drunk girls and Zayn's intriguing features. See I'm a man of few words, but when I speak, it's like I'm so wise"  this man with a high pitched tone was saying and he looked genuinely serious as people giggled around him. One blonde guy held up his drink.

"Hear, hear. To Zayn, the man we only keep around because he has a nice house"  a peal of laughter erupted from the ground as some girl started singing, terribly off key, a rendition of Happy Birthday- trying too hard to sound seductive. That's when Liam decided to burst in.

"If you don't stop this party right now, I'm going to call the police (Cops) on you" he shouted while earning strange looks from people in the crowd including Zayn, who merely raised his eyebrows as he looked up at Liam from beneath his lashes.

"Ah it's the party pooper" Zayn acknowledged with a smirk making hos lips twitch. Liam would have loved to see those lips pressed against- no, he was mad at Zayn.

"You have ruined my property and usually I would ignore your ignorance and boisterous music but you've gone too far. You end this party right now or I call the police" Liam held his ground even though some people started chortling beside him, giving him weird looks. Liam shrunk back into his skin, suddenly feeling uncomfortable because they were all watching him now like he was something distasteful.

"Firstly, swallow a dictionary? Secondly don't you ever threaten me, who the fuck do you think you are? Thirdly no-one wants you here, so go back and cower away in your own house. You ruined my birthday" Zayn sneered with his words really slicing into LIam harshly making him feel like he'd lost a part of him at their ridiculing manner. Liam was about to open his mouth to apologize and go away, hide out in his house and never come out when someone interrupted him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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