♤ MINE: CH 2 ♤

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"Ok we can do it"
"No No we can't do it."
"No we can"
"No we can't"
"Aaaaaa." I said irritated.
I had been passing back and forth in front of Romano Enterprises. I had been convincing and unconvincing myself to go inside for an interview for the past 5 minutes.

I took a deep breath
"Claire King you can do it.
You are a women, a warrior. You were born ready. You even kicked a guys balls, literally." I said laughing, impressed at my previous actions.
Finally satisfied with the pet talk I had given myself, I entered the large  building.

A beautiful receptionist who of course looked like a beautiful model greeted me with a lovely smile.

"Hello, do you have an appointment?"

"Yes. I am here for the 8 am interview with Mr. Romano. For the personal secretary  position"

"Aaa yes, Miss Claire King."She said as she looked at a folder, which appeared to have a long list of names.

"Yep, that's me". I said with a bright smile

"He will be on the 21st floor."

"Thank you" I said with a smile

I went in the elevator and reached the 21st floor.

I was then greeted by a lovely secretary who once again looked like a model.

"Hello are  you Miss Claire King."

"Yes" I noded.

"Please follow me"

She led me through a hallway until we reached a large door. MARCELLO ROMANO it read.

"Please wait here."

I nodded my head.

I stood there breathing in and out. 'This is going to be fine. We're going  to do amazing.'

The secretary came out soon after
"Good luck", she said giving me a warm smile.

"Thank you, I'm going to need it" I said whispering the last part.

"Come in" I heard a deep husky voice.
His voice held authority, like he was  used to having his orders  followed to perfection. It gave me goosebumps.

I was already nervous and the feeling of butterflies in my stomach grew ten times.

I slowly walked in and was greeted by a handsome BACK.
Handsome back? What's wrong with you Claire?

He turned around.
His face held no emotion. He defenitaly seemed like the mysterious and private type.

Mr. Romano sat down. Crossed his hands and looked at me. I could feel his dominance. His strong presence could be felt through the entire room.

I quickly looked up. Our eyes locked. His eyes they were so captivating. Just one look and you were his.

He looked at me, up and down. His gaze was intense. I gulped.

I looked down, right away trying to hide my red tomato face.
I was so nervous. I began to fidget with my hands.

I could feel his hard stare.

"Take a seat", His deep husky voice resonated through the room.

I awkwardly walked towards the chair infront of him and sat down.

I took a deep breath and looked up.

"Let's begin", he said

I nodded yes, while placing a strand of my hair behind my ear.

He began to look through my resume.

I took this time to examine his godlike features. He had a strong jaw, and a sun kissed tan and from where I was sitting I could tell his face was if not perfect, then perfectly symmetrical. He had the face and body of a gorgeous model.

He interupted my secret creepy inspection of his handsome face.

"From what I can see here you have no experience working as a secretary."

He looked up at me. 

"Tell me Claire King why would you apply for a position you have NO experience in."

I desperately needed the job. I could tell him the truth. It had becoming difficult to pay the bills of the house and my mom desperately needed my help. I had quit my job because of a crazy creep who almost took my V card. But I didn't want to get the job with pity. I wanted to prove to myself that I could get this  job with my own abilities.

"Sir" Sir? Did I just unintentionally call him old. Ok whatever.

"The only jobs I've had are as a cashier and as a waitress in several restaurants. I have been working since I was 16 so I have plenty of working experience. I can easily adapt to my surroundings and I'm sure within a week or two I can learn to be a very good secretary."

He looked at me staring intensely and leaned in.

"Let me be upfront with you. You are very young and don't have the level of education and experience I am looking for but due to my urgency for a personal secretary and you being able to fulfill an important requirement for me I think we can arrange something. Claire, are you willing to start the job as soon as possible?"

"Yes of course."

"Then Claire King you're hired. You start tomorrow. I want you to talk with Sara. She will teach you everything as well as what to wear and she will give you my schedule. And one more thing, I have only one condition. The moment you start to act unprofessional you lose your job. Understood?" He said with such a serious gaze.

"Understood, I will be strictly professional." I bet many girls before me simply wanted this job to flirt or sleep with him. I mean look at the man he's gorgeous. 'Stop it Claire'I scolded myself

We shook hands and he seemed upset  about something.

I smiled before leaving. 'what's wrong with him' I thought


I watched her through the window as she left the building. Something about her captivated me. I realized this the moment our hands touched and our eyes meet.
"Claire King" such a lovely name.

♤¤♤¤♤¤♤¤♤¤♤¤♤¤♤¤♤¤♤¤♤¤♤I hope you all enjoyed this chapter

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I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.  I had a lot of fun writing it. 😆😀 I can't wait for these two love birds to fall in love.

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